Monday, January 14, 2019

Catholic Identity Conference speaker would also be a non Catholic for the CDF

Mike Church a speaker at the last Catholic Identity Conference in the USA, associated with the traditionalist St. Benedict Center, New Hamphire would also legally be listed as a non Catholic by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF).
 Image result for Photo Brother Andre Marie MICm
He affirms exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church, supports the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and has given a talk at the St. Benedict Center Conference.
 According to Brother Andre Marie MICM many at the Catholic Identity Conference considered extra ecclesiam nulla salus a given.1
  -Lionel Andrades


January 14, 2019

Legal clampdown on traditionalists begin : if the SSPX doctrinal talks on Vatican Council II fail they could legally be labelled non Catholics and so a sect: CDF supports heresy and schism : Cardinal Burke on Wanted List

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