Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Catholic religious could join the SBC in the Diocese of Manchester : it is heresy and sacrilege-free : no obligation to use an irrationality to create a hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition

Members of religious communities in the Diocese of Manchester,USA  must note that Bishop Peter Libasci,the Bishop of Mancheter,  does not deny that heresy and sacrilege is the norm under him.
 So if men and women religious in general want to avoid this heresy and sacrilege and still live in a community there is a choice. If   they want a religous community in the diocese which interprets Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church rationally and does not reject extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and the past exclusivist ecclesiology, there is one available. It is heresy-free.It is the St.Benedict Center(SBC) in New Hampshire.
Archbishop Joseph Augustine Di Noia, Ad junct secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) is forcing the St.Benedict Center to assume unknown cases in 2019, referred to in the Catechism of the Catholic Church 846-848, are known examples of salvation outside the Church.The rest of the diocese is following him.
So in this way the dogma EENS and the Athanasius Creed are rejected and the Nicene Creed and Apostles Creed are changed heretically. 1

It is only with this irrationality that a hermeneutic of rupture can be created in the Diocese of Mancheter and everyone has to accept it.
This is a scandal and it is known to many. The Holy Mass becomes a sacrilege for the religious who offer it in this condition.
So why remain in a religious community, where this deception, which is not Catholic, has to be followed by everyone ?
Presently there is  a socal and political persecution of Catholics all over the world and it has also begun in Manchester, USA.
In Angola, a Christian country with 55% of the population Catholic, all the churches have been shut.Christians have to register themselves.In China the Left is re-writing the Bible.In Israel distribution of tracts mentioning Jesus is a crime.The Left supports Muslim blasphemy laws in the West.In the Diocese of Manchester, the global Left which supports Satan ( abortion, homosexual marriages etc) has placed prohibitions on the St. Benedict Center.It is approved by the Vatican. The SBC community does not interpret Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church irrationally, like the present two popes and the Prefect of the CDF. So for the SBC there is no change in the exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church, before and after Vatican Council II.
This is not approved in the Diocese of Manchester where they do not even  consider immodesty in dress a mortal sin and this is appreciated by the Left.This is an approach approved by Satan who also wants men and women to study and work together even when it is not necessary.
Those religious who are contented with a wealthy community, must remember that Hell with fire exists.Even nuns and priests go there.The rich religious communities in New England who have a regular income must remember that even if they work for the social teachings of the Church, just one un-confessed mortal sin, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, is sufficient to take a Catholic to Hell.
So why choose heretical teachings on faith ( re-interpretation of Vatican Council II, Catechism(1994), Nicene Creed etc as a rupture with Traditional teachings) and heretical teachings on morals( immodesty in dress, etc).The St.Benedict Center is an example of a community which avoids these mortal sins.It's time to switch.
-Lionel Andrades


Professio Fidei (3)
Profession of faith (12)
Profession of Faith Baptism of Our Lord (2)
Profession of Faith is not the same for all Catholics (1)
Professionof Faith (1)

Nicene Creed (10)
Nicene Creed was changed with the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 mistake (6)
Nicene Creed-two interpretations (1)

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