Sunday, January 13, 2019

False concept of being 'Catholic' legally being forced upon the St. Benedict Center and Catholics in Manchester,USA

The long list of prohibitions placed upon the St.Benedict Center, in New Hampshire, is oppressive with the community being asked theologically, to claim unknown cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance are known exceptions to Vatican Council II which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.The Council really supports exclusive salvation in the Church and this is not being admitted by the Curia in the Diocese of  Manchester.
Bishop Peter Libasci, Bishop of Manchester, wants the community at the St. Benedict Center to lie and violate their conscience and deny that the Church still teaches exclusive salvation in Vatican Council II.Otherwise restrictions will continue to be placed upon them.
In other words, to be Catholic, for Bishop Libasci, I and millions of other Catholics have to claim that we can physically see non Catholics in Heaven or on earth saved outside the Catholic Church, saved without faith and baptism.This would be a denial of exclusive salvation in the Church and would constitute being Catholic for the CDF and the Bishop's Curia in Manchester.
If being a Catholic means having to tell a lie officially, use an irrational philosophy and a fantasy theology based upon being able to see people in Heaven saved outside the Church, then I am not this type of 'Catholic'.
It also means all the popes and saints of the past who affirmed exclusive salvation, now supported by Vatican Council II, were  not really  Catholic for the Secretaries at the CDF and the Curia in Diocese of Manchester.
This means even St. Thomas Aquinas was not a Catholic. Since he affirmed the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS and when he referred to BOD and I.I he knew that they were not personally known people and so exceptions to EENS. This is something obvious.Even the bishop, chancellor and Episcopal Vicar agree that they do not know any case of BOD, BOB and I.I in 2019.
Similarly when the Magisterium in the 16th century  affirmed traditional EENS they knew that there could be no literal exceptions known to human beings.
Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj, the Prefect of the CDF too would  agree that he does not know any one in 2019 saved outside the Church with BOD, BOB and I.I.All the cardinals and bishops would say the same.
So this is a false concept of being Catholic which is being forced upon the SBC.
The leftist CDF and Bishop Libasci  want to create a schism in the Catholic Church. They are changing Catholic dogmatic teaching on exclusive salvation by using a false premise(invisible non Catholics are visible) and false inference( these visible known non Catholics are visible examples of salvation outside the Church)  and false conclusion( since there is known salvation outside the Church the dogma EENS is obsolete and has been contradicted by Vatican Council II).
-Lionel Andrades

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