Thursday, January 10, 2019

Michael and Peter Dimond have mixed up what is invisible as being visible and this error is there in their book : the same error is made by them on Vatican Council II

From the Holy Family Monastery website

OBJECTION- How can baptism of desire be contrary to dogma when a saint such as St. Alphonsus believed in it after the Council of Trent?  That would make him a heretic, which is impossible since he is a canonized saint.

ANSWER- First, the key to heresy is obstinacy/pertinacity. 

Lionel : Michael and Peter Dimond  assume that the baptism of desire(BOD) refers to a known person, someone visible. So when St.Alphonsus or St.Thomas Aquinas or the Council of Trent mentions the baptism of desire( 'the desire therof') Michael and Peter Dimond posit it as an exception to EENS.
So for them St. Alphonsus would be in heresy, persisting in error.

They know that to assume that the baptism of desire is an exception or relevant to EENS is an error. They now know that there are no physically visible cases of the baptism of desire in 2018-2019.However if they discuss this it would mean that they would have to change their position on Vatican Council II.
This would be too radical for them, too much to expect from them.
They make the same error in their interpretation of Vatican Council II. So the Council is now a rupture with Tradition for them.
They have mixed up what is invisible as being visible and this error is there in their book from which this quotation is taken.
So they do not affirm Vatican Council II in harmony with EENS since they would have to admit that they made a mistake and now have to accept the Council.
Meanwhile Fr.Dwight Longenecker, Peter Kwaskniewki and Steve Skojec do not want to admit the same error as Peter and Michael Dimond since then they would have to affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS.
-Lionel Andrades

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