Thursday, January 10, 2019

Michael and Peter Dimond referring to heresy is different from me

When Michael and Peter Dimond at the Most Holy Family Hospital(MHFM) correctly affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) they would be criticized by Jim Likoudis,Bill Donohue and others  as being sedevacantists who are are at odds  with Vatican Council II.The MHFM would be told that Vatican Council II contradicts EENS.They are told that  BOD, BOB and I.I 1   are exceptions.

Michael and Peter could do nothing.Since they also wrongly believe that  Vatican Council II is a rupture  with EENS.
 Image result for Michael and Peter Dimond photo s

They would continue to call people heretics while they reject Vatican Council II, the past catechisms and the popes with an irrationality.
But with me it is different.
For me Vatican Council II is not a rupture with Feeneyite EENS and I affirm Feeneyite Vatican Council II. I am also not a sedevacantist.Yet  I too affirm the strict interpret of EENS like Michael and Peter Dimond.
So I am Feeneyite on EENS and do not reject Vatican Council II. I affirm only an ecumenism of return and am in agreement with Unitatitis Redintigratio.
I affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King which for me is not contradicted by Dignitiatis Redintigratio ,Vatican Council II.
I see the need for traditional Mission  since Vatican Council II (AG 7) says,for me,  all non Catholics need faith and baptism.It indicates that most people on earth go to Hell, since they die outside the Church without faith and baptism.
So when I say that the popes, cardinals and bishops are in heresy I am doing so as a Catholic who does not reject Vatican Council II or the traditional interpretation of EENS. I am not a sedevacantist or a traditionalist who rejectd the Council since they they interpret it irrationally.-Lionel Andrades 

BOD(baptism of desire), BOB( baptism of blood), I.I ( invincible ignorance) 

November 30, 2018

Peter and Michael Dimond : the scandal must be ended before they receive the Eucharist at Holy Mass in Latin. (Graphics

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