Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Pope Francis' ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue, like that of popes Benedict, John Paul II and Paul VI, is based on 'the red being an exception to the blue'.This is the new theology also used by the CMRI in the Diocese of Manchester

Pope Francis' ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue, like that of popes Benedict, John Paul II and Paul VI, is based on 'the red being an exception to the blue'.This is the new theology.
The St. Benedict Center's ecumenism of return and inter-religious dialogue, to create new members in the Catholic Church, is based on 'the red  is  not being an exception to the blue'.

The issue gets complicated when the sedevacantist Bishop Mark Pivarunas of the Congregatio Mariae  Reginae Immaculatae(CMRI), also in the Diocese of Manchester,USA, supports an ecumenism of return and inter-religious dialogue, with the need for non Catholics to enter the Catholic Church to avoid Hell- but for them too, like for Bishop Peter Libasci, , ' the red is an exception to the blue'.
Image result for Photo of Bishop Peter LibasciImage result for Photo of Bishop Mark Pivarunas
The CMRI are also traditionalists like the St. Benedict Center(SBC).But for the SBC, 'the red is not an exception to the blue'.So they are called Feeneyites.
To be a Feeneyite is to say that 'the red is not an exception to the blue'.
For the Feeneyite the blue passages in magisterial documents support exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church and the red passages are not exceptions.

But for  the ecclesiastics at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) and the CMRI and the SSPX it is the opposite.These traditionalists use the New Theology, of the liberals.
So the diocese of Madison,on their website, have cautioned Catholics not to attend Holy Mass at the CMRI  chapel,since (even though they accept that 'the red is an exception to the blue' and they are not aware of it) they do not accept Pope Francis as the pope.
The pope affirms the New Ecumenism, New Ecclesiology, New Theology. For him there is no ecumenism of return and the need for non Catholics to enter the Catholic Church, for salvation(to avoid Hell).
Like the CMRI, for Pope Francis, 'the red is an exception to the blue'.However the pope accepts the non traditional conclusion and they reject it and so go into sedevacantism.
-Lionel Andrades

What is the status of “The Religious Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen” and “Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Mission” in Salem?
A group which calls itself “The Religious Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen” (“CMRI”) has established a church in Salem by the name of “Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Mission.” On its website, this group indicates that it offers the Tridentine Rite Mass (sometimes referred to as the “Traditional” or “Latin” Mass), Catechism classes for children, and Confessions and other sacraments.
This group and this church are not Catholic, and do not have the right to call themselves Catholic. CMRI is not in communion with the Roman Catholic Church, and the sacraments they claim to offer have no validity in the Roman Catholic Church. Catholics are not permitted to receive the sacraments from CMRI ministers under any circumstances, nor should they participate in any activity provided by this group.
The members of CMRI are what are called “sedevacantists,” meaning that they believe that the current pope is not truly the pope and that the See of St. Peter is vacant. They believe that there has not been a pope in the Catholic Church since the death of Saint John XXIII, and therefore do not recognize any subsequent pope, including Pope Francis, as head of the Church.
For those who have a desire to attend a celebration of the Tridentine Rite Mass within the Church in union with the Holy See, visit our online directory for a listing of our Latin Masses.
If you have any questions about the relationship between CMRI and the Roman Catholic Church, please contact your pastor, or the diocese.

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