Saturday, January 5, 2019

Priest found vocation after miracles at apparition site

Religious Curiosities

It's both curious and distressing in our time how the devil has attacked religion, first, for decades, from the liberal side and now, too often, not just from far-left liberals but certain "religious" conservatives. He is a spirit of extremes (is the devil)!
Be on guard, therefore, for those who sow division. It's a (bad) "fruit," a telltale sign. Seek balance. As Scripture says, Satan comes to deceive even the elect. Great deception -- what Sister Lucia called "diabolical disorientation" -- there is now all around us.
Often we gain that balance through the Blessed Madonna. We gain inspiration. Discernment is made easier. Sometimes, we gain vocations (at top, priests at the apparition site of Medjugorje in Bosnia-Hercegovina).
The way men can be touched by Mary is powerfully told by California author Christine Watkins, who has penned book called Of Men and Mary, which we are pleased to make available -- fascinating and often miraculous accounts of how men are touched by the Virgin. "Turn these pages," says the preface, "and you will find yourself surprisingly inspired by a murderer locked up in prison, a drug-using football player who dreamed of the pros, and selfish, womanizing dare-devil who died and met God -- and lived again."
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One case: that of Wisconsin priest Michael Lightner, of whom we have written before, but about whom there are amazing details with which we were not familiar.
When he was eight, Father Lightner recounts, he had an unusually lucid dream in which he saw himself playing for the Philadelphia Eagles against the Phoenix Cardinals. In the dream there were specific plays. He saw the faces of opposing linemen. He could hear the roar of the crowd.

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