Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The CDF and the Diocese of Manchester's legal notice to the St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire is based on theology : are passages marked in red exceptons to those in blue ?

The CDF and the Diocese of Manchester's legal notice to the St. Benedict Center(SBC), New Hampshire is based on theology.The ecclesiastics do not accept that passages in blue in all Magisterial documents affirm traditional, exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church and the red passages are not exceptions.
For the SBC the red passages are not exceptions to the blue passages.It is here where they differ with the CDF.
Since the SBC will not irrationally say that the red passages are practical exceptions to the text in blue, as does the 'present magisterium', they have received a legal notice from the 'magisterium' saying they are not Catholic.They have to inform the Inland Revenue Service about this and make announcements.
Brother Andre Marie MICM has responded by taking this case to St. Joseph and asking all for prayers.
-Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 29, 2019

All Magisterial documents with the blue passages, affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and so support Brother Andre Marie MICM : in Heaven there are only Catholics is magisterial


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