Monday, February 4, 2019

Bishop Peter Libasci and the CDF will not place Brother Andre Marie's Letter Explaining Saint Benedict Center’s Doctrinal Stance on the diocese website.

Bishop Peter Libasci  and the CDF will not place Brother Andre Marie's Letter Explaining Saint Benedict Center’s Doctrinal Stance on the diocese website.On the website of the Diocese of Manchester the St.Benedict Center(SBC) is being maligned as if they are traditionalists who reject Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, like the SSPX.
The Secretary-Archbishops of the CDF also interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture  with the Syllabus of Error, the past exclusive ecclesiology, traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus and an ecumenism or return. They do this by falsely assuming unknown and hypothetical cases are living examples of salvation outside the Church  and so are exceptions to EENS.
They also suggest that this falsehood and error is the teaching of the Holy Spirit and call it magisterial.
For political reasons they are maintaining this ruse and will not interpret Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church(CCC), like the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the SBC in New Hampshire.
So it means the Franciscans of the Immaculate and all religious communities  will have to use the same deceptiion and be silent about it, or they will receive the new secular excommunication; they will be  declared legally , non Catholic.
Unlike the sedevacantist Congregatio Mariae Regina Immaculatae(CMRI),under Bishop Mark Pivarunas, in the diocese of Manchester, the SBC recognises Pope Francis as the pope and they do not reject Vatican Council II.Neither do they reject hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I).
The BOD, BOB and I.I cases can only be hypothetical.Literally there are no such cases known  to us humans.So BOD, BOB and I.I are not objective exceptions  to EENS. CCC 847-848 cannot contradict CCC 846 for the SBC.This is something obvious.
For the CDF  and the present two popes  CCC 847-848 does contradict CCC 846.Also unknown cases mentioned in Vatican Council II's Lumen Gentium 8, are objective exceptions to AG 7 for the CDF.
This is the ecclesiastical nonsense that they expect the SBC and all religious communities to affirm in order to be legally recognised as being Catholics.
So it is prohibited  to affirm AG 7,CCC 846 or the dogma EENS  without claiming that there are objective exception in BOD, BOB and I.I or LG 8, LG14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, in Vatican Council II.
Since the ecclesiastics doctrinal position is deceptive, and cannot be magisterial, they are having 'secret' doctrinal talks with the SSPX and will not place the Doctrinal Letter of Brother Andre Marie on the website of the Diocese of Manchester.Since then the truth will be out.
The Doctrinal Letter shows that the SBC are Feeneyites  who do not reject BOD, BOB and I.I since they are not practical exceptions to EENS.
They also do not reject Vatican Council II since there are no practical exceptions to EENS mentioned in the Council-text.It is the same for the CCC.
It is the CDF which has to fake it and posit that invisible and unknown people are visible and personally known exceptions to EENS as it was known to the Magisterium and missionaries in the 16th century.-Lionel Andrades

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