Thursday, February 28, 2019

Bishops and priests of the SSPX picture being saved in invincible ignorance, as referring to physically visible and personally known people : so the Catechism of the Catholic Church(1994) becomes a rupture with Tradition for them

Image result for Photo Society of St. Pius X doctrinal talks
Image result for Photo Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) misinterprets the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a rupture with extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX,since the bishops and priests of the SSPX, in their mind picture being saved in invincible ignorance, as referring to physically visible and personally known people.If in their mind they would picture being saved in invincible ignorance; those who have not had the Gospel preached to them through no fault of their own, as referring to only a theoretical and hypothetical case, there would be no conflict with Tradition.
They are not aware of this subtle error which they make.
If I would tell an SSPX priest here that he pictures people in invincible ignorance being visibly and personally known, he  could deny it.He could say, "Of course I know that we cannot see or meet someone saved in invincible ignorance outside the Church. This is something obvious".
Then if I would ask him if invincible ignorance is an exception to EENS he would immediately say, "Yes", unaware of the connection.
"If there is an exception to EENS then it means there is a personally known and visible case, which is an exception," I would say. There would be no reply.
Once this error is acknowledged and corrected the SSPX can go back to traditional Mission and evangelisation, based on Feeneyite EENS.They would also not have to reject the Catechism of the Catholic Church or Vatican Council II.
Now like the Minim Fathers of St. Francis of Paula, who offer Holy Mass in Italian at the Basilica of San Andrea delle Fratte, Rome, they are not responding to the posts on this blog, referring to them specifically, as being in heresy.1 This is an impediment to offering Holy Mass, since the Mass would be a sacrilege for them. There is public scandal and a mortal sin of faith.
When I say that they interpret the Catechism of Pope Pius X ( invincible ignorance) as a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors ( outside the Church there is no salvation) they do not deny it.
When I say that they have changed the Nicene Creed, rejected the Athanasius Creed and re-interpreted the Apostles' Creed, giving specific examples they do not deny it.
When I say that I interpret Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church without their irrational error and so there is no rupture with EENS , the past ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return while for them there is a complete rupture with Tradition, they do not deny it.-Lionel Andrades


 FEBRUARY 27, 2019

Is not a Lefbvrist traditionalist a heretic ?

Is not a Lefbvrist traditionalist a heretic ? This has been reported many times before and no one at the SSPX denies it.

 FEBRUARY 26, 2019

Father Davide Pagliarani supports an ecumenical Christ and a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism and Salvation : SSPX communique

FEBRUARY 27, 2019

Priorato di Albano Lazialecappella Santa Caterina

Un tradizionalista di Arcivescovo Marcel Lefebvre non รจ un eretico?


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