Thursday, February 7, 2019

For Professor Roberto dei Mattei invincible ignorance is not an objective exception to the dogma EENS since obviously there are no cases of salvation in invincible ignorance, which can be personally known to us human beings.

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It is a dogma of faith proclaimed by the Fourth Lateran Council, under Innocent III, that “there is indeed one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which absolutely no one can be saved.”The principle “nulla salus extra Ecclesiam” does not exclude from salvation those who are outside the Church as a result of invincible error, but they are ordered to her at least through an implicit desire. However, they lack the assurance of salvation and the ordinary means to attain it. This truth of faith was confirmed by Gregory XVI (Mirari Vos of August 15, 1832); Pius IX (Singulari quidem, of March 17, 1856 to the bishops of Austria); and Leo XIII (Satis cognitum of June 29, 1896), among others. Pius XI, in his encyclical Mortalium animos of  January 6, 1928, explains, in turn that, in the field of faith, fraternal unity cannot be achieved in the same way as in the political sphere. To subordinate the truth of faith to fraternity means to profess religious indifferentism, which has constantly been condemned by the universal Magisterium of the Church.Professor Roberto de Mattei, Founder and President of the Rome-based Lepanto Foundation

It is a dogma of faith proclaimed by the Fourth Lateran Council, under Innocent III, that “there is indeed one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which absolutely no one can be saved.”The principle “nulla salus extra Ecclesiam” does not exclude from salvation those who are outside the Church as a result of invincible error, but they are ordered to her at least through an implicit desire.

Professor Mattei is saying that if there is a person in invincible ignorance he is ordered to be a member of the Catholic Church for salvation, he cannot be saved in invincible ignorance.
If there is a man in the forest in invincible ignorance said St.Thomas Aquinas, and if this man is to be saved, then God will send a preacher to him. So he will be taught the faith and will be baptised.
St.Thomas Aquinas held the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, and this is repeated by Professor Mattei.
So for Professor Mattei invincible ignorance is not an objective exception to the dogma EENS since obviously there are no cases of salvation in invincible ignorance, which can be personally known to us human beings.

So the President of the Rome-based Lepanto Foundation is saying that all Muslims are oriented to Hell unless they enter the Church with 'faith and baptism'(AG 7, LG 14) and there are no known exceptions of being saved in invincible ignorance in the present times.It is the same for Protestants and other non-Catholics.
This is the teaching of Vatican Council II (AG 7), the Catechism of the Catholic Church(846) and other magisterial documents, when 'the red is not an exception to the blue'.
-Lionel Andrades

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