Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Catholic Church does say today that a person is in Hell and that there are many people there. Most people go to Hell and we can name them specifically.

The Catholic Church does say today that a person is in Hell and that there are many people there. Most people go to Hell and we can name them specifically.
This flies in the face of the Masonic propaganda which says that the Church does not say that there is any particular person is in Hell and that a person could repent at the last moment and be saved.
In Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church we are informed that all need faith and baptism for salvation. This is also the teaching of the Catechism of Pope Pius X and the Council of Florence 1441.This Council was 
one of the three Church Councils which defined the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Most people die outside the Catholic Church. They die without faith and baptism.They are in Hell today.
So when we meet non Catholics we specifically know that they are oriented to Hell.They do have the baptism of water or Catholic Faith.They live without the Sacraments and the Church's teachings on faith and morals.They live and die with mortal sin which covers their soul.
I was telling a Franciscan the other day, that the Redemptorist priest who said that we cannot judge since at the last moment a person can be saved was officially checked by Pope John Paul II.
In the Bible Jesus tells us  that adulterers are oriented to Hell. In general they are going to Hell unless they seek forgiveness with penance and absolution in the Sacrament of Confession and change their lifestyle. This is the norm. If some one in manifest mortal sin,  unknown to us repents and is forgiven, this would only be known to God. We cannot know any such case and also this is not the norm.
So we know that a young couple living in concubinage would go to Hell if they died immediately.Since adultery is the norm for going to Hell and not repentance at the last moment before death.
The Franciscan was taught that the Church does  not even say that Judas is in Hell. This is false since the  Bible tells us Judas is in Hell.
When Cardinal Vince Nicols sometime back said that the Church today does not say that any one is in Hell he was telling the leftists and Masons what they wanted to know. They would get upset if the cardinal said that most people are oriented to Hell, according to Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. He could also name the  non Catholics in the  present times who are oriented to Hell and those celebrities and influential people in Britain who are living in  mortal sin and have Hell-fire as their goal.
Similarly Cardinal Vince Nicols, would please the the Lodges in England, and grant a funeral to a suicide-case and a  politican who supports homosexuuality and abortion.He would know that Jesus and the Catholic Church over the centuries condemned sin since it takes a person to the fires for all eternity.-Lionel Andrades

Image result for Photos of HellImage result for Photos of HellImage result for Photos of Hell
Image result for Photos of Hell

Image result for Photos of Hell

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