Thursday, February 7, 2019

A word of advice from a seer on prayer


Questions and Answers with Mirjana

       The following was taken from a question and answer session with Mirjana on November 11, 2018.
      Q: What kind of prayer do you pray before and after the apparition?
      M: I read a prayer book, Bible, and I pray Rosaries, and I talk with dear God, but much more, of course, with Jesus. Our Lady says bring back the Bible into your families.
      I forgot to tell you, for example, when Our Lady gives a message to me, She doesn’t interpret or explain that message to me. She gives it to me the same way as I give it to you. Same like you, I also have to pray while reading the message to try to comprehend. Those of you who have followed these messages every second of each month, you could notice they are very long, and I can remember the messages exactly word by word, the way Our Lady said it, only for a few minutes immediately after an apparition. That is the reason why immediately – as soon as Our Lady leaves us – I always have Miki with notebook and pen with me. I immediately dictate the message to him in order to write it down. And I personally think that it is not me who is dictating the message, because the message is long, and if I say two sentences to Miki, while he is writing, I am talking with the priest or someone else. And then I turn towards him again. I don’t have to be concentrated on it. The words simply come out. Later when I come back into my room to pray, I cannot repeat the message. I can tell you what She spoke about, but I cannot repeat it word by word. That is why I also need the message in a written form after this, and then I pray, I read and I try to comprehend what God desires for me.
      I always give advice: do not allow anyone to interpret or explain the message to you personally. That is my opinion. I think that God is talking to every single one of us, and we are not all the same person. We have different lives, different crosses. Many years before, when Our Lady gave a message one second day of the month, one friend of mine said his interpretation, or the way he understood the message, and what I just wanted to tell him, “That’s not what Our Lady intended to say.” I stopped because I comprehended She said that to him, and She said to me the way I understood it. That is why I always recommend – pray, read the message, and try to comprehend what God is telling you personally, because you as a person are important to God.
       Q: Is there a reason for the apparitions, why She is appearing?
      M: There is a great reason. In a few of Her messages, Our Lady said, “The fact that I am with you for such a long time shows you how much God loves you, because everything that has been happening here is God’s will. Our Lady only does God’s will.
      Q: What is the meaning of the Triumph?
      M: For me, it means a lot, because if Our Heavenly Mother’s heart will triumph, it means that we will all be happy. Every mother understands what I’m trying to say, because as mothers we cannot be happy, our heart cannot triumph, if our children are not happy. It means that we will triumph with Our Heavenly Mother.
      Q: How can we discern our mission in life so that we don’t waste our time in life?
      M: Knowing Our Lady’s messages, I think that is my mission, but your mission as well – to spread love, to spread hope, because if we will not spread love and hope, we who claim to know the love of God, then who will? For me, that’s the most important thing, because Jesus is love. And if we spread love, we spread Him. When I said that Our Lady didn’t want us to talk, but that we talk with our own life, I didn’t mean that we just have to keep quiet. But the way I understand Our Lady, we should always pray before that, because when we pray, Jesus is talking through us. But if we do not pray, and we just preach to others, then our words are empty, and we do the opposite. That is why for me personally, prayer is answer to everything, because that is when my God is leading me.


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