Saturday, February 2, 2019

Those who oppose Martin Luther's canonisation would be classified as legally non Catholic for six months before possible formal excommunication

Pope Francis is to canonize Martin Luther indicating there is known salvation outside the Church. So all Catholics will have to interpret 'the red passages' in magisterial documents as contradicting 'the blue passages' or legally be declared non -Catholic by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF), Vatican.

The blue passages are orthodox and support the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), example in AGs 7, CCC 846, LG 14, UR 3 etc while the red passages refer to theoretical and hypothetical cases which would known only to God if they happened.So they do not contradict the blue passages common sense would tell us.
But for the Secretaries of the CDF, Archbishops Giacomo Morandi and Joseph Augustine di Noia the red passages must be considered practical exceptions to the blue passages and examples of personally known salvation outside the Catholic Church.
They have informed the St. Benedict Center(SBC) in the diocese of Manchester that they are not Catholic since for the SBC the red passages cannot, obviously, be objective exceptions to EENS and the blue orthodox passages.

So the Diocese of Manchester has told the St. Benedict Center to inform the IRS that they they are not Catholic and do not teach from the Catechism of the Catholic Church or claim that their school is Catholic, since they insist like Fr. Leonard Feeney, that literally they do not know of any case of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I), in New Hampshire, USA.
Since the red passages are exceptions to the dogma EENS, also for the present two popes, they would feel free to canonize someone outside the visible boundaries of the Catholic Church.
So when Luther is canonised, since no one in the 'present magisterium' believes in the dogma EENS or the blue passages in magisterial documents in harmony with EENS-  those who are criticial will find themselves  in the non-Catholic legal category.
Since now to be a Catholic one has to reject the blue passages in magisterial documents and claim they can see people on earth saved outside the Catholic Church, or who are going to be saved outside the Church.This is irrational, non traditional and heretical but it is magisterial for the two popes and the CDF.
-Lionel Andrades 

January 29, 2019

Pope Francis' ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue, like that of popes Benedict, John Paul II and Paul VI, is based on 'the red being an exception to the blue'.This is the new theology also used by the CMRI in the Diocese of Manchester


January 28, 2019

In Magisterial documents the red is not an exception to the blue, the red does not contradict the blue : with the blue there is a hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition (16th- century extra ecclesium nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors, ecumenism of return, past exclusivist ecclesiology etc)





JANUARY 16, 2019

Injustice being done against the St.Benedict Center

JANUARY 11, 2019

Theological Teaching of the St.Benedict Center unacceptable to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

JANUARY 11, 2019

The CDF wants Catholic religious communities and lay movements to accept heresy and sacrilege otherwise canonical prohibitions will be placed upon them

 JANUARY 11, 2019

CDF, Diocese of Manchester deception is not Catholic : nor ethical or honest even by secular standards

JANUARY 11, 2019

Athanasius Creed not accepted for a Profession of Faith in the Diocese of Manchester

JANUARY 11, 2019

New CDF Sec.wants to create schism : supports heresy and sacrilege

JANUARY 12, 2019

There are only Catholics in Heaven according to Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7) and they are there with faith and baptism

JANUARY 13, 2019

Bishop Peter Libasci assumes invisible people are visible : claims that legally this is being 'Catholic'

January 13, 2019

False concept of being 'Catholic' legally being forced upon the St. Benedict Center and Catholics in Manchester,USA

 January 11, 2019

Traditionalist cites Vatican Council II in support of Tradition - the Restoration has begun

January 28, 2019

In Dominus Iesus the red is not an exception to the blue, the red does not contradict the blue : there is a hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition ( EENS, Syllabus of Errors, ecumenism of return, past exlcusivist ecclesiology etc)


January 28, 2019

So finally I should have a list of magisterial documents with the blue passages affirming Sacred Tradition and the red passages no more being seen as exceptions


ANUARY 24, 2019

Vatican Council II's Decree on Ecumenism ( Unitatis Redintigratio) supports the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

ANUARY 26, 2019

Image result for Photo of Catechism of the Catholic Church    Image result for Photo of Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith building

The Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus : CDF makes a mistake

JANUARY 27, 2019

Pope Benedict never said that Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church tell us all need faith and baptism for salvation and so they support the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.


 January 30, 2019

CDF- Asian Bishops conference in Thailand on new salvation doctrine and theology : implications for the SSPX






January 27, 2019

Pope Benedict does not tell Michel Bohnke that Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church support the strict interpretation of the dogma outside the Church there is no salvation and so this is the basis of Catholic mission



January 27, 2019

 Image result for Photo of Catechism of the Catholic Church

Repost : The red is not an exception to the blue, the red does not contradict the blue : Catechism of the Catholic Church 846-848







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