Thursday, March 7, 2019

Ash Wednesday - Muslim at Altar of the Miracle

 Image result for Photo of Altar of the Miracle Sant'andrea della Fratte rome
Yesterday evening at the Basilica of Sant Andrea delle Fratte, Rome, near Piazza Spagna, as soon as the Ash Wednesday Mass ended a youth prayed the Hail Mary at the podium of the Altar of the Miracle and began to speak.He probably had the permission of the Minim Sister with whom he collected the Offering.The priests who offered the Mass were in the sacristy vesting.
This young man could be a Muslim.There were other Muslims at Mass there.Some work for the government security services, and are in plain clothes.
Increasingly we see Muslims in a systematic way being employed in the police, carabinieri,Armed Forces and in general employment in Rome.The take over of  Rome completely by the leftist, many who pose as Christians, is just about complete.
The Muslims have integrated with Christian names, learnt the Catholic prayers and coordinate with Muslims groups supporting Sharia law.
The young man who spoke, unannounced , at the Altar of the Miracles, as I quickly ended my prayers and started walking out of the church, is associated with other Muslims.They could be security personal or members of Muslim groups which support Sharia law for all in Rome, when and where it is enforceable.There are many in Italy.
I am conscious of this unlike other Catholics here.Since I affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus; the traditional interpretation of EENS, in harmony with Vatican Council II (AG 7), the Catechism of the Catholic Church (846), Dominus Iesus(20), Catechism of Pope Pius X etc.There is no rupture with Catholic Tradition for me. I express this in writing.
So I am disliked by certain groups. Watched. Followed. Stalked.This has been going on for years.I seem in a happy relationship with all this. Since I am insulated and protected by my particular faith, the graces which come with my  Catholic Faith.
So the attempts to intimidate me often seem humorous and I try to contain my joy and laughter when I see my stalkers give me another chance.
 Image result for Photo of Alphonse Ratisbonne Sant'andrea della Fratte rome
The young man spoke at the Altar of the Miracle, where Alphonse Ratisbonne saw the beauty of the Catholic Church and its importance for the salvation of non Catholics too.He was speaking between the marble statues of St. Maximillian Kolbe and Fr.Theodore Ratisbonne who believed that all Muslims,Jews and other non Catholics were on the way to Hell unless they accepted Jesus in the Catholic Church.Those who hold this view today are intimidated by the intolerant and racist,Left.
Today there is a leftist racism here in Italy when the white Italian is told that his culture and religion is being consciously phased out of Italy and Europe. The synagogue of Satan's values are now being imposed upon the Catholic population.Jesus is being replaced by Satan.
It is common the see non Christian youth in large groups in central Rome.They are educated, they have jobs and their families are established here.The youths meet in an organized way to discuss their religion and to implement it. They implement it even among non Muslims, and I am personally aware of this.
So the man at the Altar of the Miracle, could draw upon the religious mafia power to intimidate a Catholic who does not reject the Catholic Faith which says all Muslims are oriented to Hell (AG 7, CCC 846 etc).Now since no one opposes him, among the Catholics, he could go up at the altar as an unbeliever  and tell a small group of Christians there, standing and waiting to leave the church, about Muslim beliefs and the Old Testament of the Bible.Of course he will not say that the New Testament says that Jesus founded only one Church and this is the one, true Church he and all his friends must enter to avoid eternal time in Hell.
He opposes proclamation which says according to Vatican Council II all Jews and Muslims and other non Christians are oriented to Hell.The Minim priests at the basilica know this is a rational interpretation of the Council and the Catechism. But they choose not interpret Vatican Council II rationally and so offend this man and other Muslims who are there in the church to monitor different things.The Catholic priests try to maintain the peace at any cost.
 Image result for Photo of Alphonse Ratisbonne Sant'andrea della Fratte rome
Jesus ask us to love  all people and to serve them. To be humble. He also asks us to speak  the truth.This would be an act of charity.We are expected to live the truth and respond to the Truth with our life as did Alphonse Ratisbonne after his experience at the Altar of the Miracle.
When you do this in Rome today the Muslims, there in large numbers,  and Jews object. The Muslims come to intimidate you and you know that your time to be a martyr for the Catholic Faith, is coming nearer.
This may not be noticed by the average Catholic, who is a fed a liberal and false theology, and so they interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with Alphonse Ratisbonne and St. Maximillian Kolbe. They hang on to the irrationality, which is, - invisible and unknown non Catholics are visible and personally known examples of salvation outside the Church and so are practical exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II, which says all need faith and baptism.All.
 Image result for Photo of Alphonse Ratisbonne Sant'andrea della Fratte rome
It is with this irrationality that Fr. Francisco, Fr.Gigi and the other Minim Fathers at the basilica have  interpreted Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church and they do not deny it.So there is no tension for them, and the liberal Muslims, who also don't believe in anything, like it.
For me it is different. I have the faith. I have the Catholic Faith.This same Faith has prepared me for death when it comes.Jesus will decide the time.
-Lionel Andrades

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