Sunday, March 24, 2019

Bishop Schneider and Professor Roberto dei Mattei do not interpret the Creeds like they were interpreted in the 16th century. They interpret Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church with a false premise to create a non traditional conclusion.Then they reject the result.They make the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX obsolete : all this is not heresy for them

Rorate interviews Professor Roberto de Mattei

Rorate interviews Professor Roberto de Mattei regarding Bishop Athanasius Schneider’s analysis on the subject of a heretic Pope.

(Note : New Catholic, the Editor at the website Rorate Caeili, like Bishop Schneider and Professor Roberto dei Mattei do not interpret the Creeds like they were interpreted in the 16th century. They interpret Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church with a false premise to create a non traditional conclusion.Then they reject the result.They make the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX obsolete my assuming there are personally known cases of non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church. Since BOD, BOB and I.I are exceptions to EENS for them, the Catechisms contradict each other.The Catechism of Pope Pius X contradicts itself.All this is normal for them. They have not denied it over the last few years. This is heresy.
It is in this heresy that they acknowledge only the heresy of Pope Francis.They exclude Pope Benedict.Even though, both these popes used the same irrational premise and inference as Schneider and Mattei, to create a rupture with Sacred Tradition.
Bishop Schneider supports a Chrisian Theology of Religious Pluralism and Salvation which was rejected by Pope John Paul II ( CDF, Notification, Dupuis, 2001).There is no denial from Bishop Schneider who rejects the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS since invisible cases of BOD, BOB and I.I are exceptions. So he will not say that all Muslims in his diocese need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation.
-Lionel Andrades
Friday, March 22, 2019

 Professor de Mattei, would you care to give us your opinion on the study His Excellency Monsignor Schneider made on a “heretic Pope”?
- I consider it an important document. Firstly, Monsignor Schneider is one of the most esteemed among contemporary bishops for his patristic culture and personal piety. Secondly, the subject is of very great interest and Monsignor Schneider had the courage to address it openly, unambiguously and uncompromisingly.
- Regarding this document, what points do you most agree with?
- First of all, I agree completely with Monsignor Schneider when he admits the possibility that a Pope can “promote doctrinal errors or heresies”, even if never ex cathedra. The hypothesis of a heretic pope is not only sustained by almost all theologians and canonists, but it is also a historical fact which occurred for example, with Pope Honorius, and which can tragically be repeated. Another point that Monsignor Schneider clarifies well, in the light of Church teaching, is the stance that is to be taken when faced with a heretical Pope. "In dealing with the tragic case of a heretical pope, all the members of the Church, beginning with the bishops, down to the simple faithful, have to use all legitimate means, such as private and public corrections of the erring pope, constant and ardent prayers and public professions of the truth in order that the Apostolic See may again profess with clarity the Divine truths, that the Lord entrusted to Peter and to all his successors."  It is not enough to pray in silence, as if nothing has happened. 

We need to resist and react. And the best way is that of fraternal correction, which is chiefly up to the bishops and cardinals, but which also ordinary lay-people can extend to the Pontiff, as happened with the Correctio filialis I quote:"In this issue the numerical factor is not decisive. It is sufficient to have even a couple of bishops proclaiming the integrity of Faith and correcting thereby the errors of a heretical pope. It is sufficient that bishops instruct and protect their flock from the errors of a heretical pope and their priests and the parents of Catholic families will do the same.” I agree completely with Monsignor Schneider when he states that: “even if a pope is spreading theological errors and heresies, the Faith of the Church as a whole will remain intact because of the promise of Christ concerning the special assistance and permanent presence of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the truth, in His Church (cf. John 14: 17; 1 John 2: 27)".  

- Is there any point of Monsignor Schneider’s analysis that you don’t agree with?
- I’m somewhat puzzled by his statement: “A pope cannot be deposed in whatsoever form and for whatever reason, not even for the reason of heresy.” Monsignor Schneider denies the possibility of the loss of the papacy, while admitting this thesis has been voiced by great canonists and theologians, like Cardinal Cajetan and St. Robert Bellarmine, in favour of it. The position that seems to me the most convincing is that of the Brazilian theologian, Arnaldo Xavier da Silveira, -who died recently - which he sums up in chapter VII of his book Can a Pope be…a heretic? The Theological Hypothesis of a Heretical Pope, (Caminhos Romanos, 2018).

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