Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Drag queen who reads to kids in libraries is a convicted child abuser

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Drag queen who reads to kids in libraries is a convicted child abuser

March 18, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — When I wrote a detailed analysis of “Drag Queen Storytime,” a program featuring drag queens reading to children that is popping up all over the continent, the Huffington Post mocked the idea that a rational person could have legitimate concerns. Another publication referred to me as “furious,” even though the column was factual rather than fire-breathing. But I am interested in what defenders of this program have to say to the news that the Houston Public Library has just been forced to publicly apologize and then ban a drag queen they had invited to read to children for Drag Queen Storytime when it was revealed that he had been previously charged for sexually assaulting a child.
Albert Alfonso Garza, a 32-year-old man who was last seen reading to children at the Montrose Library in September of 2018, goes by the drag queen name Tatiana Mala-Niña. The library did not do a background check on Garza or on any of the other cross-dressers it invited in to interact with other people’s children. I’d be willing to wager that the other libraries sponsoring this program have also failed to do background checks, as well. It was an activist group, MassResistance, that did the research on its own — and that is when it was discovered that Garza was convicted of sexually assaulting an 8-year-old boy in 2008.
MassResistance, a group of pro-family activists that has been trying to put an end to Drag Queen Storytime on the basis that the intended purpose of the program is to corrupt children, states that it warned the library about background checks many times but was ignored. The library is now blaming its failure on a volunteer, who, it claims, was supposed to do the background checks. MassResistance also says it contacted the City of Houston to ask if background checks had been conducted but received no response from municipal officials, either. At that point, MassResistance activists decided to do their own research, which is when they discovered that one of the drag queens welcomed by the library is a sex offender. MassResistance says it has been working to expose Drag Queen Storytime for some time and that these revelations are just the beginning. 

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