Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Feast of St. Joseph : Catholic Faith not being proclaimed in Rome-central out of fear of non Catholics

Chiesa di San Giuseppe a Capo alle Case
Mons.Gianricco Ruzza,Auxiliary Bishop ifor Cantral Rome and Secretary General of the Rome Vicariate presided at Mass in Italian at the church San Giuseppe a Capo le Casa, Rome yesterday on the feast of St. Joseph.
At the conclusion of the Mass the bishop introduced the new young community of religious sisters from Brazil who are strong on evangelisation and Eucharistic Adoration.He said that this is 'the new reality' in the Church.
The new reality in the Church is that neither the sisters, nor the priests present, nor Bishop Ruzza, proclaim the Catholic Faith as I do,in central Rome.
For me, in Heaven there are only Catholics according to Vatican Council II(AG 7,LG 14) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church(846).This is magisterial according to Church documents. But they do not proclaim it.Since it will bring persecution.
For me all non Catholics are oriented to Hell unless they accept Jesus in the Catholic Church( Vatican Council II, AG 7, LG 14).The bishop, priests and new community are afraid to say this.
For me non Catholic religions are false paths to salvation.Their members sacrilegeously receive the Eucharist at churches in Rome. 
I proclaim the Faith.
So I am aware of attempts to intimidate me.
I am saying that the Catholic Church teaches in Vatican Council II and the pre-Vatican Council text that all Muslims and Mohammad are lost.This is not just a personal view. This is the teaching of the Catholic Church when Vatican Council II is interpreted rationally. However many find it offensive, as if, I am attacking their religion.
So Bishop Ruzza will not proclaim this teaching in evangelisation in general  or catechesis for children. Neither will this be said by  Mons.Natale Loda the Rector at San Giuseppe a Capo le Casa.Nor will be it proclaimed by  Fr. Francesco Trebisonda,Parish Priest, Basilica San Andrea delle Fratte, the church nearby.He was present at  Mass yesterday.Both priests are afraid to say that Vatican Council II says most people die outside the Church since they die without faith and the baptism of water(AG 7, LG 14).They  will not proclaim this in public.It is not part of catechesis. It is not part of the evangelisation of the new Brazilian community there.
They are all afraid.
They are afraid of the non Catholics in Rome.
There have been attempts to intimidate them.
I do not use the telephone.Otherwise I would constantly get threats.
For one week the church San Giuseppe a Capo le Casa was mysteriously closed in January. Another church nearby was also shut for a day or two.Bishop Ruzza would know about it.
Things seem normal now.
I proclaim the Fath when I say that the Church teaches in Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, that all Muslims and other non Catholics need to convert to avoid the fires of Hell.I proclaim the Catholic Faith and can provide references for my Catholic beliefs. I am not intentionaly attacking any community or religion.
It's the members of the other communities which stalk and apply Sharia law in Rome-central.
The Catholic religious are told not to talk to me or else...Those parishioners who give me money for coffee or transport are warned.
Why ? Since they consider this an attack on their religion and they are implementing the teachings of their religion , with intimidation, in central Rome.
The Catholic religious appeal to the new mafias for tolerance. They call upon secular values. But they themselves will not cite Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentium 14 which say all need faith and baptism for salvation. They will not point out that Lumen Gentium 8 and Lumen Gentium 16 refer to hypothetical cases only in 2019. So they are not exceptions to AG 7 and LG 14 and the centuries-old interpretation of outside the Church there is no salvation.
They will not proclaim the Faith. They will not evangelize with spirit and truth. Since they do not want to be transferred or physically assaulted.
Instead they will use a false new theology. They will say that LG 8, LG 16 etc are exceptions to the dogma EENS. In other words LG 8 etc refer to personally known people saved outside the Church.This is irrational. Since if any one is saved outside the Church, the person would be in Heaven and known only to God. So there can be no known exceptions to Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, for us human beings.Vatican Council II like the old catechisms tells us that the founder of Islamism is lost and so are his followers.
Jesus is the only way, truth and life and the only Saviour of the world. Those who do not accept him as their Saviour in the Catholic Church, His Mystical Body are lost forever through all eternity.
Last Sunday the churches were instructed to pray for those who died in  New Zealand.But Catholics do not pray for non Catholics who do not choose to be with Jesus and Our Lady after death.Also those who die without faith and baptism (AG 7, LG 14) will find the Catholic prayers for them useless. 
In evangelisation it is not enough to say that Jesus died for all and salvation is open for all in potential.It also must be said that to receive this salvation all need to enter the Catholic Church with faith and baptism( Dominus Iesus 20 etc).
All need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation was the teaching of the missionaries in the 16th century.It is the same teaching of Vatican Council II,  when it is interpreted with hypothetical cases just being hypothetical.Theoretical cases (LG 8, UR 3 etc) cannot be objective examples of salvation.There are no personally known people saved outside the Church.But out of fear this is not being proclaimed in Rome-central.
-Lionel Andrades 

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