Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Fr.Chad Ripperger prayed for a man with pancreatic cancer. He did a minor excorcism over him.A week later he was cancer-free. A year later they brought the man back with another illness. The Catholic priest prayed over him and that illness too was gone


(Video 19:19) Fr.Chad Ripperger prayed for a man with pancreatic cancer. He did a minor excorcism over him.A week later he was cancer-free. A year later they brought the man back with another illness. The Catholic priest prayed over him and that illness too was gone.
He thought that this man was under some kind of a curse. This was a form of oppression.
He says that we are living not living in a political atmosphere when there are differences of idea but we are living in a political atmosphere where there is good on one side and evil on another.The ideas which they throw out it is just to promote their evil.-Lionel Andrades

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