Sunday, March 24, 2019

Pakistan: Muslim student stabs professor to death over “anti-Islam” remarks


Khateeb Hussain is likely to be celebrated as a hero in Pakistan, in the manner of Mumtaz Qadri, the murderer of Salman Taseer, a politician who opposed Pakistan’s blasphemy law. A mosque in Islamabad was named after Qadri, and is an extremely popular and frequently visited place.
“Bahawalpur student stabs professor to death over ‘anti-Islam’ remarks,” by Mohammad Imran, AFP, March 20, 2019:
A third-year student at Bahawalpur’s Government Sadiq Egerton College on Wednesday allegedly stabbed a professor to death over what he vaguely described as the academic’s “anti-Islam” remarks, police sources and persons familiar with the incident said.
Associate professor Khalid Hameed, the head of the English department, was seated inside his office at the college when he was allegedly accosted and attacked with a knife by the student.
According to initial information noted by police at the scene of the crime, Khateeb Hussain, a 5th-semester BS student enrolled in the English department, had exchanged hot words with Prof Hameed at around 8:40am over the arranging of a ‘welcome party’ at the college.
The event, which Hameed was overseeing, was to be held on March 21 to welcome new students to the college, police said.
Police sources told DawnNewsTV that Hussain was averse to the event being organised because he viewed the mingling of male and female pupils at the function as “un-Islamic”.
Following an argument, Hussain stabbed the professor in the abdomen and head, police said. Hameed was taken to the Bahawalpur Victoria Hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries.
Police have arrested the suspect along with the murder weapon and registered an FIR under Section 302 (intentional murder) of the Pakistan Penal Code and Section 7 of the Anti-Terrorism Act on a complaint of the deceased teacher’s son.
‘Promoting obscenity’

In the application submitted to police for the registration of a First Information Report (FIR), Prof Hameed’s son stated that the incident took place when he had gone to drop his father off at the college along with two others. He said his father proceeded to enter his office while he (the son) was still in the parking; he said he saw the attacker hiding behind a pillar and then suddenly charging at the teacher.
“As my father was about to step into his office, the guy attacked him with a knife, hitting him on his head and stomach,” he told AFP.
“My father then fell down and I rushed to him; the student held his knife and started shouting ‘I have killed him, I had told him that a gender mix reception is against Islam’,” he said.
According to the deceased’s son, the attacker also said he had killed Prof Hameed because he supported the scheduled function in which “obscenity is promoted”.
“We took him to hospital but he had already died,” he said.
He said the student dropped his knife and the guards arrested him.
No remorse

A video confession of the suspect, aged around 20, was obtained by DawnNewsTV.
In the video, seen by, the suspect identifies himself as Khateeb Hussain and says that he attacked the English professor because he allegedly “spoke against Islam”.
In response to a question, he says he assaulted the teacher with a knife in the office where he was sitting. Both of the suspect’s hands are bandaged, indicating he received knife injuries during the scuffle.
When informed that the professor had died at the hospital, the suspect expresses satisfaction with his actions.
He is then questioned on why he did not use a lawful way of voicing his complaints against the academic, to which he responds that the country’s laws are “freeing the blasphemers (gustaakhon) “.
When asked if he regrets his remarks, he expresses no remorse….

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