Sunday, March 24, 2019

Pakistan: Muslims abduct two Hindu girls, marry them to Muslims, forcibly convert them to Islam


Islamic tolerance. The Qur’an says “There is no compulsion in religion” (2:256). However, what constitutes “compulsion” is in the eye of the beholder. The institutionalized subjugation of the dhimma, with its regular humiliation and harassment, from which one can be freed for the simple price of converting to Islam, is not considered compulsion. Remember Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig, the journalists who were kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam — even though their conversions were obviously coerced, their captors made them say that they were converting freely, and the captors probably believed that themselves. After all, the journos could have chosen to be killed instead.
“Two Hindu girls abducted on Holi eve in Pakistan’s Sindh,” by Yudhvir Rana, Times of India, March 23, 2019:
AMRITSAR: Two Hindu teenaged girls in Pakistan were allegedly kidnapped and forcibly converted to Islam on Holi eve in Dharki town of Sindh’s Ghotki district.
This led the Hindu community to stage massive protests, seeking stern action against the perpetrators and reminding Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan of his assurance to minorities.
Pakistan Hindu Sewa Welfare Trust Sanjesh Dhanja president told TOI over phone from Karachi on Friday that two sisters – Raveena, 13 and Reena, 15 – were allegedly abducted and forcibly converted to Islam after their marriage.
Pakistan Hindu Sewa Welfare Trust chief alleged that the police only lodged an FIR after the minority community came out on the streets to protest.
Imran Khan had recently tweeted, “Naya Pakistan is Quaid’s (Jinnah) Pakistan and we will ensure that our minorities are treated as equal citizens, unlike what is happening in India.”
The tweet had stirred a controversy.
Anjum James Paul, assistant professor of political science and head of department, Government Post Graduate College, Samundri, Pakistan, posted a poser for Imran Khan on his Facebook page: “And now who will stand (up) for Reena, Raveena and Sadaf Khan, Hindu and Christian Pakistani minor girls, who have been snatched from parents after abduction and conversion in February and March.”…
He said the two sisters were abducted and converted when they were celebrating Holi on March 20, while Sadaf Khan, a 13-year-old Christian girl was abducted, converted and married on February 6.
Dhanja further said that before this two other Hindu girls, Komal and Sonia, were abducted and forcibly converted.

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