Monday, March 18, 2019

Polish Bishops Reject LGBT+ Declaration


by Anita Carey  •  •  March 15, 2019    

'Everyone has the right to demand from public authorities protections of a child against demoralization'

WARSAW, Poland ( - The Polish bishops are condemning a charter that claims to introduce protections for "LGBT rights" but instead proposes discrimination against those that are not supportive of it, pushing immoral and unchaste sexual education to children.
Aimed at implementing anti-discrimination measures and introducing sexual education that complies with the World Health Organization (WHO) standards, Warsaw's mayor, Rafał Trzaskowski, signed the "LGBT+ Declaration," in February.
In 2016, Poland has been accused by the European Union's Commission for Human Rights of violating women's human rights. A report by Nils Muižnieks, the commissioner of the European Council for Human Rights, focused mainly on Poland's limits on abortion and access to contraception. The report also demanded compulsory sexual education, in accordance with EU standards. 
The WHO's sex-ed program is a "comprehensive sexuality education," and it describes it as a "continuing education process that starts at an early age." Not only is this program aimed at educating children on all aspects of sexuality and sexual behavior, but they also include lessons that analyze how well abortion and gender identity are accepted legally and culturally.
The entire program presupposes abortion and contraception as basic human rights. 
In response to the declaration, the Polish Bishops' Conference released a lengthy statement of 11 points blasting the "so-called LGBT Charter" and calling for its withdrawal.
Church Militant spoke with Jan Franczak, a Catholic and translator of numerous books, who said Warsaw's mayor has promised to make Warsaw "tolerant" and noted, "He's doing it." 
Trzaskowski's deputy mayor, Pawel Rabiej, is an active homosexual living in a same-sex "marriage" with Michał Cessanis. Franczak noted that the homosexual lobby is very active and keeps attacking from all sides and perspectives. A new pro-homosexual political party, Wiosna, was recently started in Poland. 
Michał Cessanis and Paweł Rabiej
The opposition to the LGBT+ Declaration was painted by the U.S. News as a political move by Poland's Law and Justice Party (PiS) to retain their popularity.
"PiS has targeted LGBT rights as it strives to reverse a decline in popularity amid corruption allegations against financial regulators and questions about party chief Jaroslaw Kaczynski's business dealings, among other things," according to the U.S. News report.
Franczak disagreed with the U.S. Newsreport saying, "It was the parents and pro-family organizations that reacted first to the 'LBGT+ Declaration.'"
It was only after that the PiS Party and the Polish Bishops' Conference spoke out against it. 
"The most dangerous aspect of the declaration is spoiling the children," Franczak said.
In the bishops' statement, they first acknowledged their position is not a "lack of respect for the dignity" of LGBT people, but borne out of concern "for the common good of the whole society, and especially for the respect of the rights of parents and children."
The Church does not use the name LGBT.
In a move that is likely to raise the ire of the pro-homosexual lobby, the bishops refused to use the term "LGBT."
"The Church does not use the name LGBT, because in it itself is contained in the questioning the Christian vision of man," the bishops stated. 
They explained that the proposed alternative vision does not agree with the truth about human nature and refers only to "imaginary ideological ideas."
Further, they caution against the acceptance of gender ideology as a society, saying, "Not only are they completely alien to European civilization, but if they were to become the basis of social norms, they would be a threat to the future of our continent." 

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