Monday, March 4, 2019

SSPX does not affirm traditional Catholic theology on other religions and Christian communities

The Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) on their website(USA/ General House) has three reports on the Document signed by Pope Francis with their comments on Fraternity but with no comment saying that Islamism like other religions is not a path to salvation according to Vatican Council II, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Dominus Iesus and pre-Vatican Council II Church-documents.
 Image result for Photo of PopeƬ's meeting with Al Azhar chief signing document in abu dhabi
The  SSPX has also not responded to reports on this blog which state that because of their Cushingite theology, they really support an ecumenical Christ and a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism.
There has been no denial since the SSPX do not want to affirm the traditional Feeneyite theology. This can be seen in their silence on the Abu Dhabi meeting.
 Image result for Photo of Placuit deo Press Conference Vatican LadariaImage result for Photo of Placuit deo Press Conference Vatican Ladaria
Also when Cardinal Ladaria issued Placquet Deo and said that Lumen Gentium 8 was an exception to the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church on it having the superiority and exclusiveness in salvation, there was no SSPX comment.
 Image result for Photo of Placuit deo Press Conference Vatican LadariaImage result for Photo of Placuit deo Press Conference Vatican Ladaria
Image result for Photo of Placuit deo Press Conference Vatican LadariaImage result for Photo of Placuit deo Press Conference Vatican Ladaria
According to Catholic theology, unknown to majority of Catholics, the Muslim suicide bomber like Muslims in general are oriented to Hell, since they die without ' faith and baptism'( AG 7, CCC 846).
-Lionel Andrades

 Image result for Photo of Placuet deo Press Conference Vatican LadariaImage result for Photo of Placuet deo Press Conference Vatican Ladaria
Image result for Photo of Placuet deo Press Conference Vatican LadariaImage result for Photo of Placuet deo Press Conference Vatican Ladaria 

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Image result for Photo of Placuet deo Press Conference Vatican Ladaria

Image result for Photo of Placuet deo Press Conference Vatican Ladaria 

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Image result for Photo of Placuet deo Press Conference Vatican Ladaria

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