Friday, March 15, 2019

The Catholic Church has changed for Bishop Athanasius Schneider

Image result for Photo Mons. Ignacio Barreiro
The late Mons.Ignazio Barreiro  would tell me that if he said that he believed all Protestants are damned unless they convert into the Catholic Church, he would not last a month at the seminary.He also said that he visited the St. Benedict Center in the USA and offered Holy Mass there but he would not affirm Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).He would offer Mass in Italian he said only if it was a solemn Mass.
For me he was another example of a traditionalist who would deny the Faith, in public, like those many priests who offer Holy Mass in Italian.
It was the same with the former Australian Rector at church Santissima Trinita dei Pellegrini, Rome, Fr.Joseph Kramer FSSP.He was a traditionalist whose priority was staying a priest in Rome.
Now even Bishop Athanasius Schneider like Mons. Barreiro is not saying all Protestants need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation.So the Catholic Faith, a version of which he professes on his new website, has changed for him too.
Also he will not say that any particular non Christian or non Catholic is going to Hell since he does not believe in the dogma EENS.He assumes there are known exceptions.The exceptions are visible cases of being saved in invincible ignorance, the baptism of desire and the baptism of blood.This is how the present two popes and the ecclesiastics at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) reason.This is what makes them liberals.In general this is how the Lefebvrists reason.
Bishop Schneider's comment on the Abu Dhabi meeting was a false Christology which excluded the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church.It was an ecumenical Christology without the past ecclesiology of the Catholic Church. It was Lutheran.
So the Catholic Faith does change for Bishop Schneider with the coming and going of popes - but not for me.
The present two popes have changed the Catholic Church's teachings on faith and morals. The change in morals has not been accepted by Bishop Schneider but he ignores the change in faith( salvation).He actually supports it.
The big gaps which are there in the SSPX theology ; the New Theology are also there on the website of Bishop Schneider.He has not said that all non Catholics need to enter the Church in the present times, without any exception, to avoid Hell.
On his website and in the statements on the Abu Dhabi meeting there is no statement which suggests that all non Christians need to believe in Jesus in the Catholic Church and be baptised with water, to avoid Hell.
The Catholic Faith has changed for him as it has for the present two popes.
So just because someone offers the Traditional Latin Mass it does not mean that is affirming the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church.Another example of this confusion is Fr.Francesco Giordano , the Director of the Human Life International office in Rome.He teaches liberal Catholicism in Rome and offers the Latin Mass as if it is the same as the Traditional Latin Mass in the 16th century.He teaches students at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas ( Angelicum), Rome that invisible cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood, and invincible ignorance are physically exceptions to the dogma EENS. Since they are allegedly visible they become exceptions.He also teaches that personally unknown cases of being saved with elements of sanctification and truth (LG 8) etc in Vatican Council II, are objective exceptions to the dogma EENS as it was interpreted by the missionaries and Magisterium in the 16th century.
On the other hand there have been priests who have been clear on the Faith. I have quoted them on this blog.They chose to speak with clarity even when it meant being asked to leave Rome or not be incardinated.I remember a Dominican priest from Brazil.An Italian priest who left Rome to work in Liguria, Italy.He was a secular priest who could live at his family's apartment in Rome but he chose the uncomfortable option.
They proclaimed the Faith, issued a statement and did not back down when the flak came their way.
On the other hand I think of a Spanish Legion of Christ priest who initially affirmed the dogma EENS but when the opposition came he caved in. It was the same for a  Filipino Redemptorist priest.
Thomas D Williams would never affirm the dogma EENS as a Legion of Christ priest and neither does he do it now as a layman at Breitbart News.
It is important for lay people to know this when they go for Holy Mass.Do not judge a priest by the liturgy or rite.
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf is all for the Traditional Latin Mass but he rejects EENS, interprets Vatican Council II with the common irrationality( invisible people are visible), does not say that Protestants need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation and does not consider inter-faith marriages as being adultery and an attack on the family, but supports them.He is in good standing with the liberal Church and is allowed to keep his blog.
-Lionel Andrades

MARCH 12, 2019

Bishop Athanasius Schneider's new website : Can we personally meet and see someone saved with the baptism of desire, baptism of blood or invincible ignorance in 2019 ?

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