Friday, March 1, 2019

With worldly prudence SSPX bishops and priests do not deny that they are in heresy in sacrilege: since the alternative is being Feeneyite and politically incorrect with the Left

I mentioned in a previous blog post that if I would tell a priest of the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) here that he pictures people in invincible ignorance being visibly and personally known, he  could deny it.He could say,"Of course I know that we cannot see or meet someone saved in invincible ignorance outside the Church. This is something obvious".
Then if I would ask him if invincible ignorance is an exception to EENS he would immediately say, "Yes", unaware of the connection.
"If there is an exception to EENS then it means there is a personally known and visible case, which is an exception," I would say. There would be no reply.
There is no reply since he does not want to be called a Feeneyite.He knows the answer. He knows the implications. He will be opposed by the others in the community. He will also be marked by the Left.
So he stays with heresy.
I have informed them.There are no denials.
 Out of worldy prudence they are forced to interpret the Catechism of Pope Pius X ( invincible ignorance) as a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors ( outside the Church there is no salvation).They do not deny it. Since if they deny it they would have to affirm Feeneyite EENS.They understand the implications even in a worldly sense.They will criticize the Mass in the vernacular but not deny that they are in heresy.They are in heresy and offer Mass with sacrilege but it is politically correct.
When I say that they have heretically changed the Nicene Creed, rejected the Athanasius Creed and re-interpreted the Apostles' Creed, giving specific examples, they do not deny it. They cannot deny it. Since if they deny it they would have to admit that the rational alternative philosophy is Feeneyite.They do not want to be called Feeneyite.It would mean Pope Pius XII and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre made a mistake. This also means that they would be saying today that all Christians are oriented to Hell and there are no known exceptions.
So now they support a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism and Salvation condemned by Pope John Paul in the case of Fr. Jaques Dupuis s,j( Notification, CDF, 2001).

However if they affirmed Feeneyite EENS and interpreted EENS and Vatican Council II, without the irrational premise,they would  be saying that all non Christians are oriented to Hell, with no known exceptions in the present times (2019).This will be opposed by the Left.The SSPX could legally be called a sect itself and opposed by the Vatican.Though now they would hold the traditional position on exclusive salvation, without having to reject Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
The onus would also be on the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) to affirm the  traditional and rational theology.There would be no change in salvation doctrine and ecclesiology for political reasons. The CDF would also have to support the SSPX.
 I interpret Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church without their irrational error and so there is no rupture with EENS , the past ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return.While for them there is a complete rupture with Tradition.They do not deny it.They could deny their present position and affirm Vatican Council II and EENS like me.But they do not want to do this. Quite a few years have passed.
Since they do not want to admit that they were wrong over the last 50 years on Vatican Council II.Vatican Council II is really 'fundamentalistic' and 'rigid'.
So the SSPX priests may criticize the Neo Catechumenal Way but will not deny that they, like the liberals, have changed the interpretation of the Nicene Creed, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II.This is something serious for those who consider dogma and doctrine important.This is first class heresy.It is a mortal sin of faith. It is a scandal and an impediment to a priest offering Holy Mass.-Lionel Andrades

Image result for Photo Society of St. Pius X doctrinal talks

 FEBRUARY 28, 2019

Bishops and priests of the SSPX picture being saved in invincible ignorance, as referring to physically visible and personally known people : so the Catechism of the Catholic Church(1994) becomes a rupture with Tradition for them

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