Monday, April 29, 2019

Angels & Dragons XX: “War in Heaven” (Rev. 12:7)


Angels & Dragons XX: “War in Heaven” (Rev. 12:7)


The Book of Revelation describes the “War in Heaven” (Rev. 12:7) between St. Michael and his angels against the Red Dragon and his angels, when a vision of a woman about to give birth is shown to them.
What was the first battle like?  Why did it happen?  What was the trial of the angels?  Are there any revelations via the saints, mystics, or from exorcisms where the devil is forced to confess what happened?  St. Faustina reminds us that St. Michael was the first Christian to do God’s will when he believed in the incarnation, fights for God, and thus passes the test,
“I have great reverence for Saint Michael the Archangel; he had no example to follow in doing the will of God, and yet he fulfilled God’s will faithfully [667].”
The mystic Venerable Mary of Agreda, who bilocated more than 500 times to America, writes in the Mystical City of God about this great battle that occurs in the heavens; however, not the real heaven where God abides,
“It was a wonderful battle…Saint Michael, burning with zeal for the honor of God and armed with divine power and with his own humility, resisted the arrogant pride of the dragon…”

Every creature has be tested before entering the beatific vision where God dwells, and the angels were no different.  Patricia Devlin (blind mystic) captures the words of St. Michael concerning the great tribulation that all the angels faced before the battle,
“But the temptation to follow Lucifer that we all faced was so great.  He could and did make it seem so logical that God’s way was crazy, that His plan for creation made no sense.  ‘How,’ he asked us, ‘could we think for a moment that suffering and sorrow could bring any good?’ …Lucifer showed us a vision of Christ crucified and jeered, ‘See! This is the King you would follow, a King who has no followers, who does not raise a finger to protect Himself against those who will torture Him to death.  What kind of God is this?’…He asked us, ‘If you open yourself to love, what will happen to you but that you will be hurt?  Look at this:  The God of the Universe will come to earth to dwell among the lowest of the creatures who could knowingly praise Him, and what will they do but kill Him?  And He knows beforehand that they will do this!’ …He asked us how we could trust a God who could ask us to do such a thing.  Was that God concerned for us at all, that He would ask it?’” 


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