Friday, April 5, 2019

Bishop Donald Sanborn did not know that the Council could be interpreted without the false premise and inference

Image result for Photo Bishop Donald Sanborn
For Epiphany this year Bishop Donald Sanborn has given a homily ( See Youtube) saying it is important to follow the truth and to speak yet. Yet he will not admit that there are no physically visible cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance which he knows of and neither is it known to any one else in 2019 or over the last 50 years.
Neither does Vatican Council II mentioned any one saved outside the Catholic Church according to LG 8, LG 14, LG 16,GS 22, UR 3, etc.Since they are all hypothetical cases.
So he made an objective and factual mistake all these years on Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
The same mistake has been made on line  by Prof. Robert Fastiggi, at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, whom Bishop Sanborn debated on the subject of Ecclesiology( See Youtube).
Sanborn's Anti-Feeneyite Catechism is still on line in which he assumes that the baptism of desire, is an exception to Feeneyite EENS.
Many times he has been informed about his error and he does not apologize to the St. Benedict Centers,for maligning them and Fr. Leonard Feeney.He could only criticize Fr. Leonard Feeney  by using a false premise, mixing up what is invisible as being visible, hypothetical as being objectively known and non existing people as being practical exceptions to all needing faith and baptism in the Catholic Church for salvation(AG 7,Vatican Council II).
One of the reasons he went into sedevacantism, is because he wrongly assumed that Vatican Council II was a rupture ( with the false premise and inference) to the past exclusive ecclesiology of the Church.He did not know that the Council could be interpreted without the false premise and inference. Now that he has been informed he will not admit his mistake.Other sedevacantists like the Dimond Brothers at the Most Holy Family Monastery, Bishop Mark Pivaranus,bishop of the sedevacantis religious community CMRI( Congregatio Mariae Regina Immaculatae).
Similarly bloggers Ann Barnhardt and Louie Verrecchio who do not accept Pope Francis as pope and believe he is in mortal sin make the same mistake as Bishop Sanborn.It is a mortal sin of faith,for Verrechio and Barnhardt to change the understanding of EENS and the Nicene Creed, with the use of a false premise and inference.The same error is repeated by David Domet at his blog Vox Cantoris.
Lionel Andrades

APRIL 3, 2019

Bishop Donald Sanborn still interprets Vatican Council II and EENS with an irrationality : then he slanders Fr.Leonard Feeney instead of apologizing

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