Saturday, April 27, 2019

Church Militant TV in its promo video shouts "Faithful to the Magisterium" - this is like a joke.Since 'the magisterium' is no more faithful to the past Magisterium on faith and morals and especially on salvation theology.

Church Militant TV in its promo video shouts "Faithful to the Magisterium" - this is like a joke.Since 'the magisterium' is no more faithful to the past  Magisterium on faith and morals and especially on salvation theology.They even interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with the past when a rational and traditional alternative is there, which they ignore for political reasons.
The CMTV Staff do not say hypothetical cases are just hypothetical.So the present ecclesiastics at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) and the present two popes are  not magisterial in the present times on the issue of salvation.They have made an objective mistake. It is human error.
 If CMTV issued this clarification   they would be back to affirming exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church just like the St. Benedict Center. 
Instead Michael Voris says outside the Church there is no salvation ( based upon the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus) and the Staff indicates, 'There is known salvation outside the Church".It is the opposite.
They post Jim Russell's  article on 'Fr. Feeney's strange doctrine'. Like Russel they interpret Vatican Council II and BOD, BOB and I.I as a rupture with EENS according to the 16th century Magisterium. So CMTV remains faithful to the ecclesiastics at the CDF today but they are not magisterial. Since the Holy Spirit cannot make an objective mistake.
They play it both ways. They affirm exclusive salvation with the text  of the dogma EENS and also reject exclusive salvation with personaly-visible for them BOD, BOB and I.I.This is irrational.
Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church is made a rupture with the centuries old interpretation of EENS which Michael Voris defended when he was recently in New Hampshire.
The CMTV Staff do not tell Catholics that they must interpret BOB and I.I as hypothetical cases only. Since then BOD, BOB and I.I will not be objective examples of salvation outside the Church. They would not contradict the  strict interpretation of the dogma EENS.This would be saying that  Jim Russell,the Curia in Detroit  and the CDF are wrong.
Can CMTV say this ? No. Instead they support the false ecclesiastics who pretend they are magisterial when they really are heretical and irrational.
No one has told Jim Russell that Vatican Council II supports the strict interpretation of EENS when hypothetical cases are just hypothetical.Not CMTV.So his strange Cushingite propaganda with new doctrines were posted prominently on CMTV.
Jim Russell's  article is bad catechesis for  Catholics and  no one at CMTV issues a correction.There seems no will to do so. Possibly this propaganda piece was forced upon them, with the same prohibition threats the St. Benedict Center has received.
 Russel ignored hundreds of reports online.The central point he ignored was that BOD, BOB and I.I are always invisible. So Fr. Lenard Feeney was correct and the Holy Office (CDF) was wrong in Boston in 1949.
The same mistake was made at Vatican Council II. The same irrationality was used at Vatican Council II to create a new theology. 
Russell cites the New Theology of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 and Vatican Council II to criticize Fr. Leonard Feeney while not pointing out that the New Theology is based upon an objective error made in the interpretation of BOD, BOB and I.I.
This is all magisterial for the CDF. It is magisterial for Archbishops Morandi and Di Noia, Secretaries of the CDF. 
But it is factually and objectively wrong. There is a mistake. The Principle of Non Contradiction has been violated.
Catholics at large are not being told by  CMTV that CCC 847-848 and LG 16 etc do not contradict EENS.
The Councils and Catechisms are not in conflict with Fr. Leonard Feeney on outside the Church there is no salvation.
Instead CMTV says that they are 'faithful to the Magisterium' which interprets hypothetical cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16,  etc as being non hypothetical and so objective exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. This is a rupture with the past popes when they defined EENS,de fide in the Extraordinary Magisterium.
Is this not heresy and schism?
This is the Magisterium for the CMTV . They are faithful to this?-Lionel Andrades
-Lionel Andrades

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