Monday, April 8, 2019

Fr. Leonard Feeney was correct. There is no literal case of the baptism of desire.Not a single case.

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Questions :

From the Book Bread of Life by Father Leonard Feeney:

Page 25... " it is now: Baptism of water or damnation! if you do not desire that water, you cannot be justified. And if you do not get it you cannot be saved."  
Lionel: He was correct.The  dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) says every one needs the baptism of water for salvation.The Catechism of the Catholic Church says the same (1257 The Necessity of Baptism). The Catechism of Pope Pius X says the same...So Fr. Leonard Feeney was repeating the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church. Vatican Council II also says, for salvation, faith and the baptism of water is needed .(AG 7, LG 14). It is referring to Catholic faith and the baptism of water.The reference in Vatican Councl II (AG 7) is to salvation and not just justification. 

Page 40.... " It is sinful to call a man to salvation  by offering them Baptism of Desire.
Lionel : Yes. Since we cannot say that any particular person will be saved with the baptism of desire.

  " A Baptism of Desire Catholic is NOT a member of the Catholic church. He cannot be prayed for after death as one of the faithfully departed" 
Lionel: He does not exist. There is baptism of desire case on earth.
Fr. Leonard Feeney was correct. There is no literal case of the baptism of desire.Not a single case.
-Lionel Andrades

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