Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter

A Happy Easter to all.
Jesus died and is Risen to save all people who believe in Him within the Catholic Church, from going to the fires of Hell. The Catholic Church is the only Church he founded. It is His Mystical Body. You are either Catholic or damned.
For those who believe in Him it is necessary to enter His Mystical Body the Catholic Church and to live its traditional teachings.
These traditional teachings, especially on morals, are often expressed today by Pentecostals and Evangelical Christians and not by Catholic, bishops, cardinals and popes.So in this sense it is not necessary to follow the pope when he teaches heresy or does not affirm the traditional teachings of the Church on faith and morals. Since this would be the false church within the Catholic Church.
Easter Prayers: Celebrate Resurrection Day Victory
In the traditional teachings, the Catholic Church teaches that the homsexual act is a mortal sin and leads to Hell.It also teaches that all Jews, Muslims and other non Christians need to convert into the Catholic Church to avoid the fires of Hell.
They need to accept Jesus as their Saviour who died for them. They express their faith by following the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church is the only Ark of Noah that saves in the flood and all must enter for life.Those who are outside the Ark are lost ( CCC 845,846).Without Catholic faith and the baptism of water a person is lost.
No one can go to Heaven without Jesus Christ the Jewish Messiah promised by the Jewish prophets and waited for by an entire peope who now form the new people of God , the new Chosen People (Nostra Aetate 4, Vatican Council II).
Jesus, the Son of God, One with the Father will return as a Judge  and those who did not receive Him as God and live His teachings; the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church, will be lost forever.-Lionel Andrades


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