Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Non Sacramental baptism of blood and desire were always only hypothetical even in ancient times. To assume they are not hypothetical and objective non Catholics saved outside the Church and then create a theology upon this error is deception.



Not true--non-sacramental "baptisms" of blood and desire are ancient realities in the Church. And Barron's taking up of von Balthasar's...guess what...."theological opinion" regarding the nature of salvation is *exactly* similar to Feeney's taking up of a different form of "theological opinion" on the matter. If Feeney can do it, so can Barron and von Balthasar. Which is why this terrain is so very complex. Such opinions ought not supersede what we truly know to be universal doctrine.
Non Sacramental baptism of blood and desire were always only hypothetical even in ancient times. To assume they are not hypothetical and objective non Catholics saved outside the Church and then create a theology upon this error is deception.
Fr.Leonard Feeney's theology was based upon there being no literal cases of BOD, BOB and I.I.
Bishop Robert Barron assumes there are literal cases of BOD, BOB and I.I which are exceptions to EENS. So then he assumes there is salvation outside the Church. Since there is salvation outside the Church he believes there is a reasonable hope that most people are saved outside the Church. Since if it possible for one known cases, it is possible for many, is his reasoning.
This false reasoning cannot be a theological opinion. Yet it is the New Theology for the CDF.
-Lionel Andrades

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