Sunday, April 14, 2019

Pope Francis' new letter Christ is Alive is not apostolic : rupture with the Church Fathers and violates the Principle of Non Contradiction

Pope Francis in his new letter Christ is Alive 1 does not say that God has willed only the Catholic Church for the salvation of all people.  He could not say this since hypothetical and theoretical cases (LG 8, LG 16, UR 3 etc) are objective and personally known-for-him exceptions to Vatican Council II (AG 7) which states all need faith and baptism for salvation.Hypothetical cases of LG 8 etc are not exceptions to AG 7 for me.
For the pope, unknown cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) are objective and personally known exceptions to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).This was a point overlooked also by Fr. Gerald Murray and 'the papal posse' on Raymond Arroyo's World Over.The video placed by Fr. Z's on his blog, calling for a papal correction, has been removed.
Pope Francis with an irrational premise( invisible non Catholics outside the Church are saved and visible in Heaven) has changed the understanding of EENS and all the Catechisms and Creeds.This is first class heresy in the hierarchy of truths of Pope John Paul II.
The pope has also violated the Principle of Non Contradiction by assuming invisible people are visible non Catholics who are saved outside the Church and are now in Heaven.They are in Heaven but are also visible on earth to be exceptions to EENS ! People are in two places at the same time, Heaven and earth. In this way only the pope, can create exceptions to the past exclusivist ecclesiology and ecumenism of return.
So for Pope Francis there would also be objective exceptions to the Great Commission and the need for non Catholics to believe in Jesus in the Catholic Church, to avoid Hell.Again this is bad reasoning. It is bad philosophy. It is irrational.
He has created a new theology based upon being able to see people who do not exist in our reality and this is not mentioned in the Bible.
Of course he was following the same error of Cushingite Pope Benedict.It was permitted for the Catholic Church by the Masons and the rest of the Jewish Left.
This has been the false reasoning also of Fr.Thomas Weinandy at the USCCB.Similarly Fr. Gerald Murray and the rest of the 'papal posse' could have been saying that Catholics are the new people of God, the new Chosen People (Nostra Aetate 4, Vatican Council II) and that Jews and other non Catholics need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation( Vatican Council II, AG 7, LG 14, Catechism of the Catholic Church 845,846, 1257, John 3:5, Mark 16:16 etc).
Without this invisible-visible mistake Pope Francis  would be back to the Old Theology.
With the unknown-people-are-known- confusion Pope Francis supports heresy and violates the Principle of Non Contradiction.
Raymond Arroyo, Lauren Ashburn and the rest at EWTN are also Cushingites and not Feeneyites on the issue of salvation.
Recently David Domet on his blog Vox Cantoris had to remove comments supporting Feeneyite EENS with reference to the New Zealand incident.He must have been told that the comments were Anti-Semitic and he should not make comments in general available on his blog.So he assured those who threathened him that he would personally ban the author of those comments,who interprets Vatican Council II and EENS with Feeneyism ( hypothetical cases are hypothetical only). Domet would not affirm Feeneyite EENS.It is the same with Louie Verrecchio.They both protect their family and other interests.Domet prayed for Muslims who are dead and believed all those who died in New Zealand could in general go to Heaven, by asking for repentance at the last moment. The norm for salvation for him was not faith and the baptism of water in the Catholic Church but last-minute conversion and repentance, which he assumed was there in New Zealand.He could judge.
This is all heresy and Domet often writes about Pope Francis being in heresy.
Pope Francis' Christ is Alive as in the past presents the necessity of proclaiming the kergyma without the necessity of being a member of the only Church Christ founded, the Catholic Church.
Like Pope Benedict he presents a Christology, which would be open to other Christians, without the exclusive ecclesiology of the past.So this exhortation is Christocentric without the traditional ecclesio-centric ecclesiology.It is Christ without the necessity of the Church. Christ without the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church for salvation. Again this is heretical.
It is not apostolic. The Church Fathers affirmed traditional EENS and did not assume that there were personally known cases of BOD, BOB and I.I.This was the mistake of the liberal theologians at Boston in 1949 and then again at Vatican Council II( 1965).
How can Christ is Alive be an apostolic letter ? It is a ruptue with the three Church Councils which defined the dogma EENS. It is a rupture with the Nicene, Apostles and Athanasius Creed.It rejects the Catechism of Pope Pius X on the need for all to be members of the Church for salvation. It puts aside the Old Theology of the Jesuits saints, Ignatius  of Loyola and Francis Xavier. It rejects the  understanding of exclusive salvation of St. Robert Bellarmine which was the same for the young saints mentioned in Christ is Alive.
The Letter mentions St.Francis of Assisi. Francis was a Feeneyite on salvation.He was a missionary who went to convert the Sultan.
Pope Francis wants young people to be missionaries with Cushingite theology which creates a rupture with St.Francis and the Feeneyite saints.He supports a vocation to the religious life for only those youth who will say invisible cases of LG 8 are visible exceptions to the strict interpretation of EENS.
The Letter is a rupture with Jesus' teachings to the Apostles.
-Lionel Andrades


VIDEO: The Papal Posse, on +WiltonGregory's appointment to DC and the new papal document on youth. Death penalty, did God will other religions, and more.

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