Friday, April 12, 2019

When the popes and the CDF violate the Principle of Non Contradiction it still is a violation



When the present two popes and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) violate the Principle of Non Contradiction it still is a violation.We cannot pretend it is magisterial and guided by the Holy Spirit.So when the American cardinals and bishops interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise and inference, it still is false.Even though they may be cardinals and bishops, it still is false.The United States Conference of  Catholic Bishops(USCCB) used a false premise and inference in the Fr. Peter Phan case.Fr.Phan himself was a Cushingite like the USCCB cardinals and bishops.The present President of the USCCB Doctrinal Committee Bishop Kevin Rhoades, has made the same error in public.


Bishop Robert Baker in the diocese of Birmingham, Alabama, the diocese of EWTN had been informed about EWTN apologists using Cushingism as a norm.He condoned it in silence.His Cushingite Curia offices accepted it.They violate the Principle of Non Contradiction in their interpretation of Vatican Council II and EENS and overlook it among the apologists and newscaster on EWTN.-Lionel Andrades


March 25, 2019

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