Saturday, May 18, 2019

At Medugorje Our Lady breaks the hold of Satan

If the seers at Medugorje ask Our Lady if there are known cases of BOD,BOB and I.I and LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc 1 in 2019 and so there are no known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) ?- she would answer YES.This was her answer at the apparitions in Brazil.She supported exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
At Medugorje Our Lady answers personal questions.
When Chiara Amirante first went to Medugorje as a young lady something must have happened there. There is something special about the place.It's not just the peace among the mountains.There is something special there.In this sense Medugorje is not the seers.It's the place.The area. Chiara could have gone there and her rebellious heart could have been completely changed.I don't know.But this would  be normal for Medugorje. When I returned home from Medugorje I remember telling the parish priest that the people pray so fervently at Medugorje. I asked why did it not happen in the parishes ?
Medugorje I know changes your heart. There is something good there.
I laugh to myself when I think how Chiara Amirante had so many meetings with Pope Francis  trying to convince him about the importance of Medugorje.She must have really got it at Medugorje.
I spent some three months there at Medugorje and I did not want to leave.
When I returned home I realized that Our Lady had changed my heart without me knowing it.I could not teach Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental Meditation and nor could I practise the advanced meditation, the TM-Sidhi program.There was a revulsion for many New Age things.
Now when I see thousands of priests at Medugorje I know they are not there out of curiosity.Our Lady is zapping them from within.It's a great grace just being there.She breaks the hold of Satan. People of all faiths, different faiths come there and something happens.It's not just the Catholics.
Even though Medugorje is Catholic, Our Lady is Mother to all.
Then why do I write on EENS people may wonder ?
Since she wants me to do so.She helps me.Otherwise how could I have carried on for so long.The Sacraments are important for her.I was regular at evening Mass at Medugorje when I was there.I would also participate in Fr. Slavko's fasting program.
On the last Saturday of the month here in Rome, there is Eucharistic Adoration, which was officiated by Fr. Gabriel Amorth, at the church San Camillio de Lellis. Fr. Amorth has passed away. But the meetings are now shifted to a Franciscan church in in the centre of Rome.Last month the church was full. There were lay people who had been to Medugorje at some time.Something wonderful happened to them there.
This has been the experience of countless people. They simply go there and then come back and find themself different.Why, how?. We don't know.-Lionel Andrades
Baptism of desire (BOD),Baptism of blood(BOB)  and invincible ignorance (I.I) and Lumen Gentium 8, Lumen Gentium 14, Lumen Gentium 16, Unitiatis Redintigratio 3, Nostra Aetate  2, Gaudium et Specs 22 

MAY 1, 2018

Medjugorje Sun Miracles caught of film!!!

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