Friday, May 24, 2019

Bishop Schneider did not announce that the interpretation of Vatican Council II by Pope Francis on the flight from Abu Dhabi was heretical.

Image result for Photo of Bishop Athanasius Schneider
For Bishop Athanasius Schneider heresy must be obstinate, repeated, manifest and not denied.For me Bishop Athanasius Schneider's position on Vatican Council II is heretical.Since it is obstinate, repeated,manifest and not denied in spite of so many e-mails sent to him and many reports on this which are there on the Internet.
For example, LG 8, LG 14, LG 16,UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II, are examples of salvation outside the Church for Archbishop Schneider and for the present two popes.So of course the past exclusive ecclesiology,extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), an ecumenism of return and the  Syllabus fo Errors of Pope Pius IX are obsolete.This is how it is also for the present two popes and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
For me LG 8, LG 14, LG 16,UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are not literal cases.They are not people objectively known in 2019 or during the last 50 years of Vatican Council II.So they are not exceptions to EENS etc for me.
With this irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II, Bishop Schneider and the present two popes, look at Vatican Council II as a new revelation in the Catholic Church.The pope likes it and Bishop Schneider does not.
I do not repeat their irrationality.Since my interpretation of Vatican Council II is without the irrational premise and inference.They are Cushingites and I am a Feeneyite in philosophy and theology.
Their error is obstinate, repeated, public and never denied. It is heresy.
Pope Francis repeated this heresy on the plane while returning from Abu Dhabi.Bishop Schnedier did not object.
Bishop Schneider did not say "How can Vatican Council II change the traditional teachings on exclusive salvation and that all non Catholics are going to Hell? Lumen Gentium  8 (elements of sanctification and truth in other religions) etc are not objective.So how can they be exceptions to EENS? "
He did not announce that Pope Francis  interpreted Vatican Council II irrationally.Since he does the same.
He does not seem aware of a Vatican Council II with Lumen Gentium 8 referring to only hypothetical cases.So it is in harmony with the past ecclesiology.There are no objective exceptions to EENS, an ecumenism of return etc.
Bishop Schneider did not announce that the  interpretation of Vatican Council II  by Pope Francis on the flight from Abu Dhabi was  heretical.
He did not say that the pope is heretical since he  supports heresy with his interpretation of Vatican Council II. With a false premise he changes the meaning of EENS and the Creeds and Catechisms. It  is a new ecclesiology  in the Catholic Church supported by Pope Benedict.
Bishop Schneider is complicit.
He is also heretical as always with no denial.
 Even after being informed, for whatever reason, he repeats the heresy.
A  promoter of heresy is a heretic whether he is a bishop or a pope.
Bishop Schneider does not acknowledge that he is heretical.   
He offers the old Mass with the new ecclesiology and like the new priests in his diocese his accepts the new moral and salvation theology.
Image result for Photo of Pope John Paul II
He is in a rupture with salvation theology as it was understood by Pope John Paul II,who was handicapped with Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger being his Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
At New Delhi, India Pope John Paul II read out in public,   Ecclesia in Asia which called Hindus and other non Catholics to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation.This is interpreting Vatican Council II and EENS with Feeneyism and not the Cushingism of the present two popes.
With Veritatais Splendor Pope John Paul II supported the traditional moral teachings of the Council of Trent.A mortal sin is a mortal sin and the exceptions are not the norm and nor can they be judged by us human beings as being exceptions.
With the CDF Notification on Fr. Jacques Dupuis SJ, Pope John Paul II opposed a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism and Salvation and a Theology of Religions.
Bishop Schneider is unable to say, even after being informed, that Protestants in general are on the way to Hell unless they convert into the Church. His theology is Christocentric without an exlusivist ecclesiology. It is the same as that of Pope Francis.
So how can the kettle call the pot black; one heretic accuse the other of the same charge.-Lionel Andrades

 MAY 24, 2019

Image result for Photo of Pope Benedict and Cardinal Luis Ladaria sj

Pope Benedict and Cardinal Luiz Ladaria supported a theology of religions ! This is heresy

 MAY 22, 2019

Bishop Athanasius Schneider has accepted the new moral theology and so he cannot call a holder or supporter of heresy, a heretic

MAY 18, 2019


If the pope can change his mind on Medugorje he can also announce the obvious- he could say that the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance refer to personally unknown and invisible people

 MAY 22, 2019

The Baptism of desire is not an exception to EENS since it does not exist in our reality. This was known to the popes and saints. So the Feeneyite affirms the baptism of desire, he does not reject it. Hypothetical cases cannot be objective exceptions to EENS

MAY 21, 2019

Image result for pHOTO bISHOP scHNEIDER

Bishop Athanasius Schneider is a theological liberal on faith and morals. He applies the New Theology to faith and morals.He overlooks manifest heresy on faith-issues which can be read on line and he also overlooks mortal sin manifested in repeated pastoral expression which was documented in the Open Letter to the Bishops by some 19 original signatories

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