Thursday, May 30, 2019

But it's magisterial

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican and the Diocese of Manchester, USA are saying officially and in public that the Catechism of the Catholic Church(CCC847-848) are exceptions to the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and that this is magisterial. Meanwhile Catholics state that they accept the Magisterium, they are faithful to the Magisterium and so they accept this irrationality.
For Jimmy Akins, Ron Conte, Robert Fastiggi, Thomas Williams, Fr. Jonathan Morris L.C, personally unknown non Catholics( mentioned in CCC 847-.848), allegedly saved outside the Catholic Church, in invincible ignorance are visible and clear exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.This is not irrational and heretical, for them, but 'magisterial'.
Now on the website of the diocese  of Manchester, CDF Secretaries, Morandi and Di Noia  and Bishop Peter Libasci, bishop of the Catholic diocese, are telling Brother Andre Marie,MICM, that he must accept CCC 847-848 as exceptions to EENS.He must also accept CCC 847-848 as an exception to CCC 846( Outside the Church No Salvation).CCC 846 cites Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.Where are the exceptions to non Catholics saved outside the Church without faith and the baptism of water in 2016-2019 ?
When I was studying Philosophy at the University Pontificial Regina Apostolorum(UPRA) of the Legion of Christ, in Rome, Fr. Jonathan Morris, was the Vice Rector for some time and Fr. Thomas Williams the  Dean of Theology.For both of them LG 16 ( invincible ignorance) would be exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. This was  'magisterial'.
This was also magisterial for the faculty at the Pontifical International Maria Mater Ecclesia Seminary(PIMME) of the Legion of Christ, Rome. I knew something was wrong but no one was willing to accept what I say. Some of those faculty members, Legion of Christ priests are still there.
Similarly it was magisterial for Msgr. Roderick Strange , the then rector, of the Pontifical Beda College, Rome,when  I was a seminarian  there. One of the English priests a faculty member  at that time,is still there.
The irrationality was considered magisterial.
A few years later one of the first priests who would agree with me was Fr. Maximillian dei Gasparri F.I. He was the Italian Rector of the Franciscans of the Immaculate church in Lungotevere, Rome, near the Vatican.
He was a young priest who was trying to resolve his personal confusion on the salvation issue.He chose special subjects at the Pontifical Holy Crross university, of the Opus Dei in Rome so as to make things clear for himself. When I spoke with a him a few times on this subject he finally had an insight and was moved.     It all became clear to him. It was an experience for me too.Defacto there is no real baptism of desire he knew. De jure, in principle, one could accept a baptism of desire. If one says that de facto there is a baptism of desire this is heresy. Since the dogma EENS is rejected.This is confusion. 
So another human being, had agreed with me.This was some consolation. Otherwise , I was on my own, alone, arguing against everyone. My only friends were Jesus, Our Lady and my Guardian Angel. 
Later I discovered the website  of the St. Benedict Center.Even though they ere Cushingite on Vatican Council II on EENS they were Feeneyite and this was a joy for me It was the same with the website of Michael and Peter Dimond.
There was no one at the Legion of Christ  or English seminariesin Rome, who would agree with me. No one even Gregorian or John Lateran university, who would  support me. LG 16 and CCC 847-848 had to be exceptions to Feeneyite EENS,for all of them.
When I was at the Beda seminary near the Basilica of St. Pauls Outside the Wall everyone was against me. I still remember the pain when talking to a sister of the Charles de Foucaluld community, Sister Ann Jessie, and asking her if she knew a  priest who agrees with me.Of course she did not.
I had already complete theological studies at a liberal Catholic theological institution  and in my heart I was told that I was correct.
The fight would continue. "How could 2016 and CCC 847-848 be an exception to EENS, dude?"
They threw me ouy of the  theological institute and I was told not to enter the premises.
They threw me out of the Beda seminary and Mons. Strange did not want me to enter the premises.
They told me not to enter the Legion of Christ university, and until today I do not have permission to go in there.
But how  can LG 16 be an  exception to EENS ?
No one would answer.And it was  magisterial for them.
Now Morandi and Di Noi are putting the squeeze on the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, at the St.Benedict Center in New Hampshire, USA and, for Jimmy Akins, Ron Conte, Robert Fastiggi, Thomas Williams  and Jonathan Morris and many others, it is magisterial.
-Lionel Andrades

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