Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Diocescan Offices for Pastoral Mission to usher in New Religion within the Catholic Church

Don Michele Caiafa at the Rome Vicariate is the Director of the Diocesan Office for Pastoral Mission in Rome.At Subiaco it is Don Davide M.Santurro,at Tivoli  it is Don Denis Kibangu Malonda,at Velletri Segni also in the diocese of Lazio, the Director is Signora Katiuscia Cipri. They could not get a priest here.At Albano it is Don Pietro Massari, at Montecassino it is Don Erwin  Reyes and Frosinone is the bishop of the Diocese, Ambrogio Spreafico, who compromised as Rector of the Urbaniana Pontifical University, during the pontificate of the Pope Benedict when Jewish Left rabbis and members of B'nai Brith, Rome visited him and Vatican offices telling them to end traditional Catholic mission.It was reported by the daily Avvenire.
 Image result for sInstututi Soci della Coop. SERMIS( Servizio Missionario)
So there was not more to be traditional Mission in which every one  needed to enter the Catholic Church,the Ark of Noah that saves in the Flood(Catechism of the Catholic Church 845).
The Directors of Diocesan Offices for Pastoral Mission,like those in the rest of Italy,  will coordinate with the new  super dicastery on evangelisation which will be announced next month.They will support the proclamation of Jesus without the traditional moral and faith teachings of the Catholic Church.
They will de emphasize the value of the Eucharist just as Pope Francis did with the  annual Corpus Christi procession now sent it to the outskirts of Rome.
Joint ecumenical mission projects will be encouraged with Protestants in which morals, faith and the Sacraments, will be down played. Why should Catholics go for the Sacrament of Confession any more? Christians who support divorce and contraception are going to Heaven,  according to the new dicastery.
All will be allowed to talk about Jesus but they must not be allowed to say every one needs to accept Jesus in the Catholic Church to avoid Hell,will the new anti Christ policy in  Rome. They will not be able to say that Protestants who abort and contracept officially, according to their religion are going to Hell, even if they believe in Jesus.
 Image result for Vescovo Francesco Becciu
Similar Diocesan Offices for Pastoral Mission with no traditional dogmas and doctrines, would be created in other countries too, under the local bishop.
In Italy the new dicastery is expected to coordinate with the Episcopal Commission for the Evangelization of Peoples and Missionary Cooperation among the churches.The president is Cardinal Francesco Beschi, the bishop of Bergamo, Italy.
The Director of the over all National Office  which will coordinate all this new mission, without reference to Hell, is Don Michele Autuoro.They are responsible for this New World Religion within the Catholic Church.They will support apostasy and mortal sin and call it evangelisation. This will really be an anti Christ movement which will present a false image of Jesus and the Catholic Church.
Don Autuoro's office is located at Via Aurelia 796, Rome near the Vatican.The other offices here are the Foundazione Missio, Movement for Young Missionaries , Pontificie Opere Missionarie, Pontificia Missionaria, Pontificia Opera Infanzia Missionaria and the Pontificia Opera Propagazione della Fede.
These offices coordinate with missionary institutes of the religious communities Comboniani, Saveriane etc, through an institute called Instituti Soci della Coop.SERMIS( Servizio Missionario).
 Image result for Photo SERMIS( Servizio Missionario)
They will assist migrants without asking them to convert into the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.They will go to Catholic parishes in mission- countries  and assist the local people,without the necessity of conversion.In the Amazon they will present Jesus without the necessity of the Sacraments for salvation.-Lionel Andrades

May 14, 2019

Next month Pope Francis will announce a new dicastery( Vatican office) which will support official heresy and support mortal sins of faith among Catholics

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