Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Next month Pope Francis will announce a new dicastery( Vatican office) which will support official heresy and support mortal sins of faith among Catholics

Next month Pope Francis will announce a new dicastery( Vatican office) which will support official heresy and support mortal sins of faith among Catholics.On the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul the pope will call to proclaim Jesus without  the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church. So he will negate the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), change the Nicene Creed, re-interpret the Apostles Creed and reject the Athanasius Creed which says outside the Church there is no salvation.He uses Cushingite theology, which creates a rupture with Tradition.
When questioned about it he will refer to Vatican Council II interpreted with an irrational premise and inference.Meanwhile the cardinals and bishops will not tell him that in Vatican Council II there is nothing  to contradict the strict interpretation of EENS and the past ecclesiastics  of the Church.Since hypothetical and theoretical cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II, cannot be objective exceptions to the dogmatic teaching on all needing to enter the Catholic Church to avod Hell( for salvation).But he will not use rational Feeneyism as a theology but will choose irrational Cushingism which makes Vatican Council II a rupture with EENS.

He will be supported by Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti and  Cardinal  Cardinal Lorenzo Baldiserri ,President and Secretary of the Italian Bishops Conference(CEI) respectively.They will call this new doctrine magisterial and not expect Pope Francis to interpret Vatican Council II  in harmony with EENS, the past ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and the Syllabus of Errors.
This public and and official modernism will mislead many Catholics who will follow the public heresy of the ecclesiastics, under pressure from the Left.
Rome has already lost the Faith, as Our Lady at La Saletter predicted. Next month there will be another official stamp of approval and the cardinals and bishops will remain in a mute mode.
Image result for Photo SERMIS( Servizio Missionario)

When St. Peter and St.Paul proclaimed the Gospel they called for belief in Jesus, within a community, within the Church.It was not an independent Jesus without the necessity of baptism and the faith-teaching.At that time there was no sola scriptura of the Protestants, no pro abortion and pro-contraception of the evangelicals, or the consensual homosexual marriages of the episcopalians.There were only the doctrines of the one Church Jesus founded, the Catholic Church.
At the basilica of San Andrea della Fratte, Alphonse Ratisbonne was shown the importance of the Catholic Church for the salvation of all people.So he became a missionary and a priest.
Today's offices for Pastoral Mission in Italy have rejected Ratisbonne's doctrine on Mission.They say that salvation is open to all but do not say that all need to enter the Church for this salvation.
Image result for Vescovo Francesco Becciu
The episcopal office for mission among the churches, whose President is Cardinal Francesco Becchiu, is heretical.
All the members of the Conferenza Istututi Missionarie in Italia (C.I.M.I) are falling this false doctrine which negates exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church and simply calls  to believe in Jesus without the moral teachings of the Catholic Church.
Image result for sInstututi Soci della Coop. SERMIS( Servizio Missionario)Image result for sInstututi Soci della Coop. SERMIS( Servizio Missionario)
The Instututi Soci della Coop. SERMIS( Servizio Missionario) is imposing their new doctrines on mision based upon their being exceptions to EENS allegedly in Vatican Council II. This is the new revelation to the Church for them.
Image result for Photo SERMIS( Servizio Missionario)
They will not tell the people in the Amazon that they only need to believe in Jesus with the necesity of the Sacraments of the Church, for salvation.
The Jewish Left rabbis do not object to this mission.

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