Thursday, May 30, 2019

Popes, pontifical universities would support the six Brazil judges who could not be Catholic

Image result for Photos Brazil Supreme Court judge
The six judges of the Supreme Court in Brazil defended  homosexual acts and could punish the Catholic who cites the Bible.The people cannot complain.
The bishops and the Vatican could cite the new moral theology in the Church and so support them. It was prepared to protect heretics; those who support mortal sins in faith and morals.All Catholics at pontifical universities and seminaries  have to learn the false new theology in morals and faith.
1) They must assume that the exceptions make the rule, it is the norm and 2) the exception, which can only be known to God and not man, is assumed to be also known to man.
So in morals, it will be taught that a divorced and re-married couple or a couple living in concubinage may not be a mortal sin.Since they could be an exception.This exception to manifest sin, could be judged by a parish priest, rector etc.
Similarly a person in another religion does not need to convert since he could be an exception . So in general  they can be saved  in their religion.
It is assumed that we can know when a couple , living in concubinage or has divorced and re-married is not in sin.It is also assumed that we can personally know of non Catholics who will be saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire, without the baptism of water, outside the Church.This is the new moral and salvation theology being taught in Brazil too.
So if a Brazilian Catholic would object to the Supreme Court  judges  calling themselves catholic the bishops and priests and the two popes would support the judges.
The present two popes, and the cardinals are also following the exceptions  are the norm in the new theology on faith and morals.It is also approved by the secular educational institutions.
Since in Brazil there is the non separation of Satanic secularism and state and the separation of Church and State, Catholics have to accept these heretical teachings.They will take an ignorant Catholic to Hell who has studied at a pontifical university.It is a rejection of faith and morals, guided by the Holy Spirit.
The President of Brazil has consecrated the country to the Sacred Heart and Our Lady.He now needs to change the Constitution so that Catholics have the right to have their faith taught to them, honestly.Satanic secularist and the Vatican will oppose it.
The six judges  could then not really be Catholic according to the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church.
-Lionel Andrades

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