Thursday, May 9, 2019

Signatory of Open Letter to Bishops also in heresy

I mentioned in a previous blog post that it is formal heresy when the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS ) is rejected, the Athanasius Creed  made obsolete, the interpretation of the Nicene Creed and the Apostles Creed changed and Vatican Council II is interpreted as a rupture with the Creeds and Catechisms.So the two popes are contradicting ex cathedra teachings (EENS, Creeds) on faith and salvation.It is a violation of the Extraordinary and Ordinary Magisterium of the past.
The present two popes and the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj need to recant and correct the error.They are in a mortal sins of faith which take one to Hell. Heresy is a sin.
In principle they wrongly assume that hypothetical and theoretical cases (LG 8, LG 16, GS 22 etc)  are personally known and physically visible non Catholics saved outside the Church. So EENS and the past exclusive ecclesiocentrism is made obsolete.
This important point is omitted in the Open Letter to the Bishops.One of its signatories is John Lamont who makes the same error as the two popes.He commits the same mortal sin.A professor of theology, approved by liberal bishops,Lamont spoke on the New Theology at the Lepanto Foundation conference last year.He is forced to interpret ex catehedra teachings with the New Theology( invisible non Catholics are visible exceptions to EENS.So there is salvation outside the Catholic Church),He does this to be able to teach theology.He is not allowed to affirm the strict interpretation of EENS, the Athanasius Creed is obsolete for him, the interpretation of the Nicene Creed and Apostles Creeds has been changed and Vatican Council II is interpreted not in harmony but as a rupture.
Lamont does not proclaim the traditional understanding of salvation, like Joseph Shaw, who is allowed to teach philosophy  since he is politically correct , at Oxford University's Benet Hall.This was also the heresy of the signatories of the Filial Correction in 2017.
Lamont and Shaw do not tell the two popes not to interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with EENS since they do the same.
It is only because they commit a mortal sin of faith in public, that they are allowed to teach as professors.
Similarly in Italy the bishops would not allow Roberto dei Mattei and Corrado Gnerre  to teach if they did not project Vatican Council II as a rupture with the past ecclesiology. 
They are forced to use the false premise( invisible non Catholics are visible) and false inference( unknown people are examples of salvation outside the Church and so outside the Church there is salvation).
Roberto dei Mattei when recently was contacted by Diane Monatagne ,for LifeSite News, did not proclaim the strict interpretation of EENS. He suggested that being saved in invincible ignorance was an exception.So he mentioned invincible ignorance and remained politically correct.This is heresy.
The same mortal sin of faith of the popes and the CDF, is committed by Fr.Francesco Giordano, Director, Human Life International, Rome.He teaches a lie at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome.
John Lamont and Joseph Shaw, like John Rao and Thomas Pink, interpret magisterial documents  with the false premise and inference so their Profession of Faityh would be false. The Nicene Creed would have been changed.They violate the Oath Against Modernism.
Not surprisingly none of them objected in March 2016 when Pope Benedice said Vatican Council II is a development and EENS is no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century.They agree with him!!
With mortal sins of faith a public scandal these traditionalist professors of theology and philosophy,should also not receive the Eucharist at Mass, until they end the scandal.
 They will not affirm the strict interpretation of EENS in pubic and they do not correct the popes when they contradict the extra ordinary Magisterium on a faith-issue.
-Lionel Andrades

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