Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Baptism of desire is not an exception to EENS since it does not exist in our reality. This was known to the popes and saints. So the Feeneyite affirms the baptism of desire, he does not reject it. Hypothetical cases cannot be objective exceptions to EENS.

 Comments( awaiting moderation) on the blog Unam Sanctam Catholicam, St.Ambrose and the Baptism of Desire

 I sympathize with the "Feeneyite" opinion that God provides water Baptism to all who are saved, though I acknowledge it is not the dogma of the Church.

Lionel: Pope Pius XII called extra ecclesiam nulla salus an infallible teaching. It was defined three times by three Church Councils.This is historically accepted.

 Suffice it to say, the Church should formally define the *limits* of Baptism of Desire, because the theory has remained nebulous and has tended toward latitudinarianism.
Lionel: The Baptism of desire is not an exception to EENS since it does not exist in our reality. This was known to the popes and saints.
So the Feeneyite affirms the baptism of desire, he does not reject it. Hypothetical cases cannot be objective exceptions to EENS.


 Fr. Feeney's position (all of the elect actually receive water Baptism), even if true, doesn't seem to be in the Deposit of Faith
Lionel: It is there in the writings of Aquinas, Augustine, Bellarmine etc. They affirmed the strict interpretation of EENS and invisible and unknown cases of the baptism of desire etc were not exceptions to EENS for them.








May 20, 2019

St. Ambrose could not state it 'as a fact' that it happened since if it would happen it could only be known to God as a fact. This is the nature of the baptism of desire.It simply does not exist in our reality.

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