Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Parlavra Viva Catholic religious community of young women are now in Rome

The Palavra Viva Catholic Community was founded in Brazil in 1995 by Alysson Norberto.Their charism is to proclaim Jesus to the world.They reach out especially to young people and families.They defend the faith in total obedience to the Magisterium of the Church and to the Holy Father,said Sister Mirella, the young Brazilian coordinator for the women's section of the Parlavra Viva community.She was speaking yesterday at the Basilica of San Andrea della Fratte in Rome.She introduced her community before Holy Mass which was offered in Italian by Bishop Gianrico Ruzza, the General Secretary of the Vicariate in Rome. The Mass was also con- celebrated by Fr.Francesco Trebisonda, Parish Priest, San Andrea della Fratte and Mons. Natale Loda, Rector, San Giuseppe a Capo le Case.
Image result for Photo chiesa san giuseppe a capo le case
Sister Mirella and her community now organize the church of San Giuseppe in Capo le Case, near Piazza Spagna, Rome. The church is near where St. Therese of Lisseax stayed with her parents, when she first visited Rome.
The community is missionary in the parish. They evangelize young people in universities and schools.They hold meetings for young people and their families.At their programs there are testimonies, music, retreats and pilgrimages to  shrines.They announce the  kerygma to those who have not yet found a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.
Their mother house is located in the south-east of Brazil in the state of Minas Gerais and they are also present in eight other cities in Brazil.In Europe they are active in Switzerland (Lugano), Italy (Palestrina and Rome) and France (Lyon, Avignon, Bayonne and Perigueux). 
They are consecrated young people in Europe who renew their vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.Some of them have also made their  final profession. A young religious community full of enthusiasm, they are waiting for the Church to give them full canonical recognition as a religious community.In Rome they are a lay association.
These young women,in their twenties,study Philosophy at the St. John Lateran University and will  go on to study theology there.
During the day from eight a.m to 10 a.m and four a.m to seven p.m they have the Blessed Sacrament Exposed for Adoration.The church is open for all. They have the recitation of the Rosary and the Divine Office.After Sunday evening Mass they also have the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
The community already has a mens section in Rome with a religious priest as one of their members.
-Lionel Andrades

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