Sunday, May 26, 2019

The unknown theologian who put together the Open Letter to the Bishops supports a mortal sin of faith on Vatican Council II and does not deny it

Heresy is a mortal sin of faith and needs to be confessed in the Sacrament of Reconciliation This was acknowledged by the un-named theologian who put together the Open Letter to Bishops accusing Pope Francis of heresy.1
He writes:
A Catholic can commit the personal sin of heresy by deliberate, obstinate, but purely internal doubt or disbelief of a truth of the Catholic faith. If this doubt or disbelief is never shown by word or deed, the canonical crime of heresy is not committed. 
But this theologian's interpretation of Vatican Council II,like the signatories of the Open Letter, and also the present two popes, would also be heretical.
 Canon law deals only with sins that are outwardly manifested and that can be established through publicly available evidence. The canonical crime of heresy requires public manifestation of doubt or disbelief in some teaching of the Catholic faith, in circumstances where it is clear that the person expressing disbelief knows that the teaching he is rejecting is a part of the Catholic faith.
It is an interpretation different from mine.They use an irrational premise. The error is repeated even after they are informed. This is persisting in heresy.It is obstinate.
They all interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism. I use Feeneyism.So our conclusions are different.Theirs is heretical and it is the official interpretation of the cardinals and bishops, to whom the signatories have appealed to.
For the canonical delict of heresy to be committed, two things must occur: the person in question must doubt or deny, by public words and/or actions, some divinely revealed truth of the Catholic faith that must be believed with the assent of divine and Catholic faith; and this doubt or denial must be pertinacious, that is, it must be made with the knowledge that the truth being doubted or denied has been taught by the Catholic Church as a divinely revealed truth which must be believed with the assent of faith, and the doubt or denial must be persistent.
Just as the theologian has not posted his name, I do not expect him to affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).He will not affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which was defined by three Church Councils.
Similarly the present popes would support heresy on Vatican Council II, a mortal sin of faith and not deny it in public.
... heresy is a proposition that contradicts a truth that is divinely revealed, and that has been taught by the Catholic Church as a divinely revealed truth that must be believed with the assent of faith. This is the generally agreed definition of a heresy that is  offered by canonists and theologians.
For centuries the Church agreed on the understanding of  extra ecclesiam nulla salus. In 2016 Pope Benedict announced that EENS today was not the same as in the 16th century. There was a rupture created with his interpretation of Vatican Council II.
It is not just the popes.
The Society of St.Pius X(SSPX) bishops and priests too are not going to Confession, asking for absolution  for their mortal sins of faith, they are actually affirming the sins in public and this is a scandal, another sin.
Similarly the cardinals and bishops at the Rome Vicariate are interpreting Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church with mortal sins of faith.They are not  going for Confession and continue with the public sin and scandal.They offer Holy Mass as if all is normal.
 A heretic is thus separated from the Church, and a fortiori from any office in the Church. If Pope Francis chooses to persist in heresy in such as way as to make this persistence a juridical fact, through the decree of the divine law he separates himself from the Church and from the papal office. The letter is not intended to bring about this lamentable result. It is issued in the hope that the legal punishment that is due for the crime of Pope Francis will exercise its medicinal purpose of withdrawing a sinner from his sin through anticipation, rather than through actual infliction.
No one will say, "Lionel, we interpret LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc as referring to only hypothetical  and theoretical cases in 2019.So they are not objective exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), the past ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return, the Syllabus of Errors and the Athanasius Creed.So you can quote me".
Fr.Brian Harrison says what I write is difficult to understand.Is he going to affirm Feeneyite EENS? No.
Prof. Joseph Shaw also will not comment. So they both, understandably cannot say that the pope is a heretic.
Louie Verrecchio says he has a family to support.
Similarly the unknown theologian who put together the Open Letter to the Bishops  supports a mortal sin of faith on Vatican Council II and does not deny it.It is the same with the signatories of the Open Letter to the Bishops.-Lionel Andrades


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