Wednesday, June 19, 2019

A closet Feeneyite

I know of no literal cases(Period.You know of no literal cases and neither do I and neither does any one else in the Church today or at the time of St.Emerentiana) other than what the Church proposes, such as St Emerentiana, who the Church says died as a catechumen like many early martyrs.(1. No one in the Church could have seen her in Heaven without the baptism of water 2. A saint in the past cannot be an exception to the dogma EENS today(2019) 3. We do not know of a St. Emerentiana today). This is not a practical exception to EENS(Agreed. It never was a practical exception to EENS) and it is not hypothetical( with reference to EENS it is hypothetical and not a concrete exception in 2019). You are imposing your erroneous belief that the baptismal character is necessary for salvation, but can point to no Church teaching saying so. (Please do not use the phrase baptismal charachter if you cannot explain it or identify its source. Refer to simply baptism and please qualify when you mean the baptism of water or the baptism of desire). (The necessity of the baptism of water is a de fide teaching of the Church and not just my belief. I have quoted the two Catechisms which state that the baptism of water is necessary for salvation. There would be other Catechisms saying the same thing.
However the bottom line still is that you cannot name any literal person saved outside the Church during your life time and it is the same with the SSPX supporters whom you know. They also do not personally know any particular person who has been saved outside the Church. Then you also affirm the dogma EENS and the Athanasius Creed. So you are saying the same thing as  Fr. Leonard Feeney and the popes and martyrs before Pius XII. You are a Feeneyite.A 'closet' Feeneyite?
-Lionel Andrades

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