Friday, June 7, 2019

Alphonse Ratisbonne wanted to know when he could receive baptism, without which he would not know how to live..."

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Ratisbonne, Baptism

Hello MHFM,

After re-reading the article on the conversion of Fr. Ratisbonne, it looks like his conversion would refute baptism of desire. Fr. Ratisbonne was given by Our Lady the gift of Infused Knowledge about the Catholic faith.

On page 19 of the testimony of baron de Bussière about Fr. Ratisbonne, who helped his conversion: "Ratisbonne wants to know when he can receive baptism, without which he would not know how to live..."

Fr. Ratisbonne himself said on p. 29 in his own relation about what he learned at the very moment the blessed Mother graced him with the gift: "Alas! So many men... are wrapped in horrible darkness;... and my family, my fiancee, my poor sisters!!!!... It is to you, whom I thought of, whom I love that I gave my first prayers!... the Savior of the world, whose Blood has wiped away the original sin! Oh, how the mark of this stain is hideous! It renders completely unrecognizable the creature which was created in the image of God!... I was asked how I learned those truths because I never opened any religious book..."

Out of all of the knowledge, why was this particularly the one given by Our Lady, and one especially highlighted by the Fr., if it is not the necessity of the baptism itself!  Later on, when his baptism was to be delayed, he insisted: "What?! The Jews who heard the apostles' preaching were immediately baptized, and you want to delay mine, after I heard the Queen of Apostles!"

I find that interesting. Thank you for putting the story online!


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