Thursday, June 6, 2019

Catholic Charismatic Renewal members are needed on June 8 at Porta Pia and Piazza Fiume, Rome to 'kickstart' the Gay Pride parade.It begins from the British Embassy on Via 20 Settembre.They could begin to pray there.

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal members are needed on June 8 at  Porta Pia and Piazza Fiume, Rome to 'kickstart' the Gay Pride  parade.It  begins from the British Embassy on Via 20 Settembre.They could begin to pray there.
Youtube videos show that many people have been delivered; freed from demons and are no more homosexuals or lesbian.Also sickness and physical deformities have been removed with prayers.
An American  Catholic priest and excorcist also  saw  the healing of a person over whom he performed a minor excorcism.
A minor excorcism and deliverance is needed to assist  participants  in Gay Pride Parades.They are slaves to the demon. The demons need the sexual act and the person is taken deeper into sexual depravity. The person is a slave and just follows the demons.

With deliverance prayers it is possible that the bondage to Satan will end and the demons will be rebuked and bound.
Many of the participants in theese parades are ex-Christians and have a nominal knowledge of  Jesus.They are not aware of how belief in Jesus can free them from their slavery.
The prayers of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement members and priests will bring the grace for the conversion.They need to be in a position along the route of the march to pray.
When a pro- life walk was held recently in Rome  lesbians and homosexuals came there to protest and demonstrate.Satan needs abortion.
The Catholic prayer gathering would not be a protest.It would be a presence.Many of the participants at the parade would learn that believing that they were born that way, is only propaganda.
-Lionel Andrades

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