Saturday, June 8, 2019

Catholics today follow the small 't' and believe that it has been the big 'T' in the Church for centuries.They assume that the the saints who refer to BOD, BOB and I.I refer to exceptions to EENS.In other words, personally known non Catholics saved outside the Church. Visible and not invisible people. But this was the thinking in the Church only since Pius XII. It is the small 't'.

There is a small tradition with a small 't' and a big tradition with a big capital 'T'.We can apply it to a particular case. The small t is from the time of Pope Pius XII until today. The big T is from the time before Pope Pius XII.
Since the time of Pope Pius XII  the Church has been teaching that there are personally known cases of non Catholics saved with the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I). So there are objective exceptions to EENS for most Catholics today.
Before the time of Pope Pius XII,for centuries,  however they knew that BOD, BOB and I.I could only be hypothetical.So they referred to BOD, BOB and I.I speculatively and knew they could not be exceptions to EENS.They were only theoretical. They did not exist in our reality. They could only be known to God.
Catholics today follow the small 't' and believe that it has been the big 'T' in the Church for centuries.They assume that the the saints who refer to BOD, BOB and I.I refer to exceptions to EENS.In other words, personally known non Catholics saved outside the Church. Visible and not invisible people. But this was the thinking in the Church only since Pius XII. It is the small 't'.
 Otherwise how could they be exceptions to EENS, the past ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return.This was how the liberals Ratzinger, Rahner and the others interpreted BOD, BOB and I.I with reference to EENS.
For the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) too the small 't' is the same as the big T.They mix up the two.
Then they believe that they are following Tradition with the big T.But it is only tradition with a small t.
On the pro-SSPX  forum Suscipe Domine, most of the participants in the discussion 1, looked mixed up ' t ' as being  'T'.
They then re-interpreted T wrongly believing that is is Tradition. Similarly , on the blog Unam Sanctam Catholicam, on the post Baptism of Desire, blog owner Boniface in the same way mistakes the big T as referring to personally known people saved outside the Church.But this is the thinking in the Church only since the time of Pope Pius XII.This was not the thinking over the centuries. It was the innovation brought into the Church since the time of Pope Pius XII.It was accepted by Archbishop Lefebvre and the cardinals and bishops of his time. This was after World War II and the creation of Israel. They all remained silent and did not support Fr. Leonard Feeney in public nor asked that his excommunication be lifted.He was saying that there were no literal cases of the baptism of desire etc.This is common sense. -Lionel Andrades


June 7, 2019

Cushingism today in the Catholic Church is like the Arian heresy of the past. It is widespread. It is heretical yet it is supported by the present two popes

June 7, 2019

The dogma and the saints taught that the baptism of water in the Catholic Church was absolutely necessary for salvation : Fr. Leonard Feeney was not the first


June 7, 2019


Traditionalists and liberals go back over centuries and re-interpret the baptism of desire as being personally known people saved outside the Church and not hypothetical and speculative cases


June 7, 2019

The Holy Innocents (as all OT saints) have no connection to baptism as the sacrament was not in place nor was the New Covenant. St. Dismas is potentially the same case, since Jesus had yet to die on the cross - its also very likely that St. Dismas was a baptized disciple









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