Tuesday, June 11, 2019

For me the present two popes and the CDF are heretical and irrational. They violate the Principle of Non Contradiction. It is the same error made my the traditionalists and sedevacantists in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.

You err if you are saying the church teaches baptism is absolutely necessary for salvation.

I am saying that there are no literal cases of BOD, BOB and I.I in 2019 and there were none in the past. You agree with me. Whether it is important or not is another issue. You agree with me. This is important. You are also saying like me that there are no physically visible and personally known cases of BOD, BOB and I.I.There is no denial from you.So for now we are in the same boat.
Now if a pope or cardinal says that BOD, BOB and I.I are exceptions to EENS then he implies that there are known cases of BOD, BOB and I.I for them to be exceptions.But you agree and are saying that there are no objective cases of  BOD, BOB and I.I in our reality.None where you are and none where I am.
If the ecclesiastics, the present Church, teach that BOB etc are exceptions to EENS then they violate the Principle of Non Contradiction. Even a pope can violate the Principle of Non Contradiction. How can someone saved in Heaven with BOD etc be also present and visible on earth to be seen as an exception to EENS ? It does not make sense.
Since the time of Pope Pius XII the popes have been interpreting BOD, BOB and I.I as being exceptions to EENS and this is irrational and heretical.
None of the popes before Pius XII stated that BOD, BOB and I.I are exceptions to EENS since it is obvious that they can be only hypothetical. I do not have to say it - it is fact, that they can only be hypothetical.So all the popes before Pius XII supported Fr. Leonard Feeney, when, it is understood that BOD, BOB and I.I could never ever be exceptions to EENS.
So the present two popes are irrational. Their irrationality results in heresy.They create a schism with the past popes on EENS, the Athanasius Creed etc.

The church does not teach that.
Since Pius XII the Church does not teach this. Agreed. Since upon visible- for- them- cases of BOD, BOB and I.I a New Theology was created.It has now spread and has become a New Ecclesiology. It is all  based upon a false premise( visible and not hypothetical cases of BOD, BOB and I.I).This was the theology of the Declaration issued yesterday by the cardinals and bishops, including Cardinal Raymond Burke.

Grace is absolutely necessary for salvation, but water baptism is only a relative necessity of means to obtaining the grace.
Grace is necessary for salvation and so is water baptism. Please do not pit one against the other.

And if you acknowledge that the state of grace can be obtained without the water (which has been taught for 2000 years), then this refutes your absolute necessity argument.
Water baptism is needed for salvation and it is accompanied by grace. Faith and grace is a free gift of God. However man also has to cooperate with the grace freely given.
If you are saying that the state of grace can be obtained without the baptism of water and this has been taught for 2000 years, in a theoretical and speculative sense I would say O.K. As a possibility known only to God, fine.
If you are saying that the state of grace can be obtained without the baptism of water and there are particular people saved as such who are known to you I would say it is irrational and heretical.
So it is important to clarify, whether you are referring to a hypothetical case or a personally known, objective case.

It does not matter if the cases are hypothetical. You either concede the theological possibility, as ... now does, or you dont, in which case you depart from the Catholic dogmas on grace.
The BOD, BOB and I.I are always hypothetical. There are no two ways around this.This is a given always. It was known as such for centuries in the Church.This is common sense. So it did not have to be discussed.It is something taken for granted. They can only be seen as possibilities known to God...

Again, it does not matter if the cases are hypothetical and unknown.
They are always hypothetical,this is my point. We have to agree that they are always hypothetical and unknown.Since if you say that BOD, BOB and I.I are personally known and not theoretical cases for us human beings in general, then we cannot have a discussion, since our realities would be different.

It does not matter if you cannot discern potency from act in the soul.
This is another philosophical issue. Please do not use it as an analogy.

Can grace be obtained by BOD? You concede the possibility, even if the cases are unknown.
Theoretically you can decide what you want as along as you do not project it as an exception to EENS.

If you die in a state of grace you are saved.

If you deny the same (unclear) you are a heretic. It does not matter if the cases are always hypothetical.
It is not a question of agreeing if they are always hypothetical. They are always hypothetical and you do not deny this .So if they are hypothetical for you how can you and the Church say that they are exceptions to EENS ?

You are falsely equating hypothetical with impossible.
I equate hypothetical as theoretical.
Synonyms for hypothetical

If you concede the possibility, you agree with the church. If you dont, you depart from the church.
I am saying that hypothetical-for-us-always-of cases of BOD, BOB and I.I are not practical exceptions to EENS. So I agree with the Church before Pope Pius XII. The present two popes do not interpret EENS like the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century. This was confirmed by Pope Benedict (Avvenire,March 2016)
I am saying that hypothetical-for-us-human beings-always of cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are not literal exceptions to EENS. So I disagree with the present two popes and the CDF on their interpretation of Vatican Council II. For me Vatican Council II ( without the false interpretation) is in harmony with Feeneyite EENS.
For me the  present two popes and the CDF are heretical and irrational. They violate the Principle of Non Contradiction. It is the same error made my the traditionalists and sedevacantists in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.-Lionel Andrades

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