Saturday, June 1, 2019

Italian Family Minister endorses procession of reparation for Gay Pride

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ROME, May 31, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — Italy’s Minister for the Family has openly endorsed a “Procession of Reparation to the Sacred Heart” being held in the northern Italian city of Modena on Saturday, June 1. The aim of the procession is to atone for a “gay pride” event being held in the city the same day.
Asked about the event in a recent video interview, Lorenzo Fontana, Minister for the Family and vice-secretary for Italy’s Northern League party, said he “absolutely agrees” with the procession. 
“I am happy that you all are doing this, and I wish you good luck,” Fontana told organizers. “Let’s hope that no one thinks he can prevent a public demonstration, which is democratic. I hope that you will be able to do your best, because certain Christian values are the foundation of our history, our identity and our tradition, and we need to uphold them.”
LifeSite spoke to one of the key organizers, Cristiano Lugli, ahead of the procession. Lugli, a young layman, talked about the importance of this public act of reparation, particularly in light of the “LGBT” lobby’s tightening grip on Italian school children through the promotion of gender theory in the classroom. 
Lugli also discussed the need for the Vatican to speak out. “The Holy See sometimes speaks against gender theory,” he said, “but then it receives ‘LGBT’ activists. This is a very serious matter.” 
He said that he and other organizers have received “every kind of insult” and “even death threats” for organizing the procession.
“We are not surprised by the gays or atheists who insult us,” he noted, “but by those ‘Catholics’ who tell us that we will burn in hell for having organized a reparation procession.”  
Many people, he said, have even invoked Pope Francis’s words to criticize the procession, telling organizers: “Who are you to judge?” 
“Unfortunately,” Lugli said, “the Church of Rome also has a great responsibility, since it has stopped teaching the Catechism and opened itself to the ideas of the world for fear of being judged. But it is the Church that has always judged the world, not vice versa.” 
“If the Church no longer stands as the guardian of the one Truth who is Jesus Christ, then everything becomes relative.”  
Here below is our interview with Cristiano Lugli on the Procession of Reparation.


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