Saturday, June 22, 2019

Repost : With the Lionel Andrades approach in the interpretation of Magisterial documents the liberals and the Left can no more accuse the traditionalists as being in schism

SEPTEMBER 10, 2018

With the Lionel Andrades approach in the interpretation of Magisterial documents the liberals and the Left can no more accuse the traditionalists as being in schism

With the Lionel Andrades approach in the interpretation of Magisterial documents the liberals  and the Left can no more accuse the traditionalists as being in schism since they reject Vatican Council II, while at the same time the traditionalists affirm some form of outside the Church there is no salvation. Usually it is interpreted with Cushingism and is not the original interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) with Feeneyite theology.
I affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and also EENS ( Feeneyite).This is my approach. I do not use the false premise.So Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church are in harmony, for me, with the past ecclesiology of the Church.
But I attend Mass in Italian and do not go exclusively for Mass in the Traditional Latin Rite.Yet I am affirming the ecclesiology of the missionaries in the 16th century on EENS, when they offered or attended the Tridentine Rite Mass. My theology is the same as theirs.
So the ecclesiology before and after Vatican Council II has not changed for me and yet I support Medugorje and do not have a problem with the Neo Catechumenal Way, the Focolares and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. I do not agree with everything they do.
I like the Traditional Latin Mass and attend it when possible. I understand more at this Mass in Latin then the one at San Anastasio in Rome, where they have the Greek Rite.
So my point is that I do not have to attend only the Latin Mass to affirm the past ecclesiology, the old ecumenism and traditional EENS. I can support Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and the Catechisms( Feeneyite) along with the Syllabus of Errors. There is no rupture.I do not have to choose between them.
I can affirm the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance, all with Feeneyism, and also, Feeneyite EENS. I do not have to choose.
This is all only rationally possible with the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents.-Lionel Andrades

 SEPTEMBER 10, 2018

Why do I call it the Lionel Andrades model? Since I am the only one working on this.No one else on earth has discussed what precisely creates the hermeneutic of rupture with Vatican Council II.They all agree that Vatican Council II has a hermeneutic of rupture but they did not know the precise cause

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